Do you need fast cash for any unforeseen circumstance? Are you looking for good ideas to help you meet urgent cash needs? You have landed at the right place. Here, you will read some top ideas on making fast cash when you need it as early as possible.
Here, we will not discuss borrowing money from your near or dear ones because this is a cliche. But we will give you some excellent ideas that work very well. Before starting, let’s have a quick look at some reasons why people need loans or urgent cash through these stats:
67.42% of borrowers report using their loans to refinance their existing loans or pay off their dues on credit cards.
Withdraw money from your retirement accounts.
Retirement accounts can be a good option if you want to have fast cash. In most years, if you are younger than 59.5 years, you have to pay a 10% penalty for withdrawing from your retirement funds, but there are many ways when it may pay to execute this. In addition, there are some exceptions when this 10% penalty may be waived, for example, when your hospital's unreimbursed expenses surpass 7.5% of your adjusted gross income.
In 2020, people affected by the coronavirus pandemic can also withdraw up to $100,000 from their retirement accounts without penalty. Additionally, you can borrow rather than withdraw your money from your retirement account, which is definitely a better choice if you can manage it well.
You can also rent your home or parking space.
Renting your property is one of the oldest and best ways to meet your urgent cash needs. You can rent down your property with a rental agreement to the needy ones. In addition, you can also rent your parking space if your house is in a busy city or tourist spot. You can earn money by renting it out. You should make sure your city allows it. You can also
try some apps to execute this idea, such as ParkWhiz, JustPark, ParkMe, SPOT, and Parking Panda.
If your house is located near the stadium, you can also make some fast cash by renting out space on busy weekends, for instance, during concerts or sporting events. Besides, you can quickly turn it into a steady stream of passive income sources by renting the space to a commuter during the week if you are near downtown offices.
You can ask for a salary raise or overtime at your present employer.
It may not be the most comfortable option for getting fast cash. But if you need money fast and without the fear of interest rates, you can talk with your supervisor or boss about getting a salary hike. If your performance is good all year and you can make a convincing case for the salary hike, you may get extra money as soon as you get your next salary.
In addition, working overtime or more projects is also an excellent option to earn extra money at your current job. For example, if you work at a retail store requiring more staff during inventory or the holidays, you can ask your employer for overtime.
Part-time jobs or side hustles are a few of the many ways to make money fast. While you will not see the money as promptly as you would with a salary hike or working overtime, you can consistently earn additional income.
You can sell recyclable items in your home.
Selling recyclable cans and bottles is a good way to get quick cash when you need it most. You can take the recyclable items to the redemption center near your place and trade them for money. In addition, you will receive about 5 to 10 cents per can or bottle, and it also depends on where you live, but if you have a lot of recyclable products, it can add up.
In addition to this, you can trade in scrap metal for instant cash. You can also earn lots of money by recycling copper, aluminum cans, or steel; once you have collected the metal, you must decide if it is non-ferrous or ferrous. Furthermore, non-ferrous metals will get you more cash, but ferrous metals are more common. To do this, you can easily find a scrap metal recycling place by simply performing an expeditious search for “scrap places near me.”
You can get help from the pawnshop.
Many people think taking their loved items to a pawn shop is not ideal, but it is a quick and secure way to solve your problem of getting fast cash if you are in a financial bind. If you are good at the art of negotiation, you may even be able to secure a better price for your product than their initial offer.
One of the best aspects of this kind of loan is that you can repurchase your item once sufficient funds are available. Short-term loans offered by pawnshops are one of the best ideas for satiating your need for instant cash. Furthermore, you can also consider selling an old car, jewelry, and other items just sitting in your parking area or drawer.
Let’s Wrap Up
If you need fast cash or find yourself cash-strapped in a financial emergency, you are not alone. The majority of people need more money on hand to pay for any unexpected expenses. If you find yourself in such a scenario, the worst thing you could do is use your credit card debt or take out a payday loan with inordinate interest rates.
Fortuitously, there are many intelligent ways to accumulate money promptly without affecting your mental peace and finances. Whether you choose to sell some of your belongings, borrow money from a friend or parent, or take on odd jobs, one thing is sure: as soon as you recover from your financial calamity, it is time to start growing an emergency fund for your future.