Vehicular accidents can occur anywhere, at any time. It’s true whether you’re in a small neighborhood, on a side road, in traffic, or even a parking lot.
Depending on several factors, motorists have to be wary of many different types of auto accidents. These depend on the type of roadway you’re driving on, the time of the day, your geographic location, and the type of vehicle you’re driving. That’s why if you’ve been involved in an auto accident in West Virginia, you need to call a
WV car wreck lawyer to ensure that you’ll get the compensation you deserve. Similarly, car insurances are also important. Here are some of the
car insurance options in Michigan.
Here’s a list of the top eight auto accidents in the world:
Vehicle Rollover
More than any other crash types, rollovers reflect the interaction of environmental factors, the driver, road, and vehicle. Vehicle rollovers are types of crashes that are violent and complex in nature. Driver behavior and environmental and road conditions have significant roles in this auto accident, in addition to vehicle type. Other factors that may also be considered are location,
driving under the influence (DUI), and speed. Nearly 85% of fatalities related to vehicle rollover result from single-vehicle crashes, as revealed by the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Rear-End Collisions
The most common types of auto accidents in the world are rear-end collisions. These crashes result from the bumper of one car getting hit by the front of another. From minimal damage caused by minor fender-benders to serious crashes that totally damage a car, the severity of rear-end collisions can range dramatically. They’re usually caused by carelessness or negligence on the rear driver’s part, although there are a lot of potential causes of this type of accident. Distractions, like texting while driving and tailgating, are dangerous activities that can lead to rear-end collisions.

Side-Impact Collision
Also known as T-bone or broadside collisions, these accidents are where the side of at least one vehicle is impacted. As per the IHHS or
Insurance Institute For Highway Safety, parking lots and intersections are where side-impact crashes commonly occur. T-bone collisions also happen when two cars pass on a roadway. They account for around a quarter of deaths among passenger vehicle occupants. Depending on where a vehicle gets struck, the severity of the results of a side-impact crash can vary.
Head-On Collisions
One of the deadliest forms of auto accidents in the world is a head-on collision. This type of crash sometimes occurs when a wrong-way driver is on the road. Each year, road issues relating to head-on collisions are becoming more serious. Drivers could suffer fatal injuries to the internal organs, extremities, back, neck, and head after being involved in head-on collisions.
Merge Clipping
Regardless of the sorts of roads drivers traverse, changing lanes has been a regular occurrence for many. Of course, it can cause a multitude of accidents as changing lanes naturally involves pulling out right in front of other cars. Before making a change, it’s crucial not to forget to conduct mirror checks and to indicate in good time. Remember that even large vehicles, like trucks, can be missed since you’ll also always have a “blind spot”.
Low-Speed Collisions
Collisions that occur when a motorist bumps another car in a parking lot or backs into someone else are often termed as low-speed collisions. They usually happen when a driver is backing up. Since they involve cars that are running at low speeds, this type of collision often doesn’t result in much damage to the vehicles.
Single-Vehicle Crashes
Many crashes simply involve one motorist losing control of their vehicle. That means that not every auto accident involves one car colliding with another. When drivers fail to pay proper attention, they either collide with barriers or drive straight off of a road. Late braking, over-steering, and other overreactions from the motorist usually result in single-vehicle accidents. Many drivers also fail to adapt to poor weather conditions and don’t drive as they usually would.
Multi-Vehicle Collisions
This type of collision is also referred to as pile-ups and often occur on busy highways and freeways. Multi-vehicle collisions involve at least three vehicles colliding.
Pile-ups can lead to additional fatalities since they’re markedly more dangerous, like frontal-impact crashes. Passengers and drivers in this type of accidents often find it difficult to escape because vehicles can collide multiple times at several angles.
Final Thoughts
Knowing and understanding the common auto accidents in the world should help prevent some tragic collisions in the future. However, even the finest of preventative measures won’t really protect drivers and passengers on the road against a dangerous crash. Don’t hesitate to immediately contact a lawyer if you or a family member has been injured in a car crash due to another driver’s negligence. By doing so, you’ll know exactly how to move forward with your case, particularly when dealing with your
personal injury protection (PIP) insurance.