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Signs of Sleep Regression in Babies and What to Do About It

If you feel a change in the routine sleep schedule of your baby that changes all of a sudden, that's the first sign of sleep regression!

The first stage is a disturbed sleep pattern that changes suddenly at 4 months of a baby. This is annoying for a baby or an adult and frustrating for parents.

But you must remember that this is a temporary process that happens with almost every human being from the beginning; all you need to do is work with patience to get rid of this as early as possible.

In this article, we will discuss the causes of the signs of sleep regression in detail that will help you prevent your baby from it.

Causes of sleep regression: There can be many causes for this state, making the baby restless and anxious. The following are reasons which cause sleep regression such as.
  • When they are growing, it makes them more hungry too
  • When developing a new milestone
  • Traveling also disturbs the sleep pattern of a baby
  • Some illnesses, such as colds or ear infection

Duration of sleep regression 

So, how long does sleep regression last? Well, a baby's sleep regression lasts about 2-4 weeks.

But the duration could be more accurate and obvious; it varies from child to child and depends upon the new routine and recovery from the illness.

Signs of sleep regression

If you feel a change in the routine sleep schedule of your baby that changes all of a sudden, that's the first sign of sleep regression!

The first stage is a disturbed sleep pattern that changes suddenly at 4 months of a baby. While other signs may include.
  • Lack of Nap
  • Change in eating pattern
  • Night wakings
  • Fussiness

When does this happen?

There is no specific time or age for this, as it is a sudden process that can happen anytime. It can be due to an unpredictable illness or disturbed routine.

Moreover, toddlers often go through this around 18-24 months due to nightmares, night terrors, separation anxiety, or toddler teething.


Here are a few tips that will help you with sleep regression

  • By noticing the change in their sleep pattern or they're becoming fussier all of a sudden
  • Maintaining a bedtime routine
  • Getting proper sleep, the more tired or restless they feel, the more likely they get into sleep regression.
  • By checking upon them whether they woke up in the middle of the night
  • By avoiding quick responses when they wake up in the middle of the night, let them make a fuss for a few mins before you respond! As this will make them emerge for your attention
  • By trying sleep training for 4-6 months old.
  • By preventing them from separation anxiety.

Is it easy to prevent sleep regression?

Well, it's a natural process that can not be prevented as quickly as you thought it could be.

Because it's a regular and temporary part of a baby. But by following the proper sleeping schedule, you can prevent it somehow.

Can a doctor help with this?

As we have mentioned earlier,r this is a natural and temporary process,s which means a doctor can't really help.

But yes, you should keep in touch with your doctor regarding any suggestion or medical treatment because health is more important! You can also take help from a baby sleep specialist regarding the causes of sleep regression or any related queries.

But you don't need to worry as this is a part of the growing up process in many babies.

It's a temporary process; as mentioned above, you need to work with patience because a 4-month child can actually start feeling the surroundings and become more engaged towards it, including you!

But you should also take care of their medical treatment as sometimes a few illnesses can cause a lack of sleep.


Having said that, this state won't last forever. You can prevent it by following the suggestions we have mentioned.

We hope this was a beneficial guide for you as we tried to bring the best alternatives for your baby. We hope that they have a sweet Nap!
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