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5 Things You Need To Know Before A Rhinoplasty


Your nose dominates the general outlook of your face. Whether it’s too small, too wide, unnaturally pointed, or just crooked, your nose will affect your face's appearance and may even steal your other beautiful features’ limelight. Cosmetic surgery offers a saving grace for anyone unsatisfied with their body and facial features. Rhinoplasty, commonly called a nose job, aims to alter your nose’s shape, function, and size to restore balance to your face and other adjacent features. But before you rush to such a surgery, Daniel G. Becker (a rhinoplasty expert in New Jersey) outlined some factors to remember. There are five things prospective patients ought to think about before deciding:

Managing Your Expectations

At the top of your list, celebrities probably confirm that rhinoplasty has magnificent results when done right. However, you must approach these expectations realistically to get the perfect nose. Your current bone structures may differ from that celebrity you are eyeing. Every individual is different. It’s important to note that foreign rhinoplasty experts have various approaches to procuring these procedures.

Like any other invasive procedure, specific percentages of risks and side effects may erupt after the nose job. Approaching these expectations realistically saves you from heartbreaks should the nose job not match the "self" you had imagined before going into it. Nonetheless, your chances of getting the perfect nose increase by going to an experienced, skilled, and highly qualified cosmetic surgeon.

Results Won't Be Immediately Shown

What should you expect from the rhinoplasty procedure? A nose job is invasive. Depending on your desires, the current state of the nose, and the surgeon's approach, your surgeon will open up your nasal structures and restructure them. While the results vary from patient to patient, you should spot heavy bruising and possible swelling on the first day after the procedure. You may also notice some slight bleeding that should subside with time. You may also have a splint in your nose to support the healing tissues.

For the first seven days, you will experience some pain. Your surgeon will prescribe pain relief medication and advise you to rest and avoid disturbing the nose. Your nose job results take about one year to sit in and finally see the difference. You are advised to be patient and care for your nose after rhinoplasty to ensure the desired results.

You'll Need Some Downtime

As earlier stated, rhinoplasty is an invasive procedure that requires anesthesia, a skilled cosmetic surgeon, and tons of examinations and is done in a well-equipped operating room. A nose job isn’t the type of procedure you can schedule over the lunch break, rush, get done with it, and return to work as usual. You will need time to think about the rhinoplasty procedure, its side effects, the risks involved, the cost, and finally, how much time you can take off work.

While everyone heals differently, you cannot escape the fact that you need to allocate some time off regular activities and routines to heal. Downtime with rhinoplasty is inevitable. Most experts recommend taking about a week to two of the time off, which gives you the space to heal comfortably, re-energize, and minimize the exposure that can distort the nose job.

A Rhinoplasty May Not Be Right For You

You are an ideal candidate for rhinoplasty if you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose. But that’s not all; with the help of your outstanding Rhinoplasty expert in New Jersey, you should be sure if a nose job would be the right solution for you and your needs. Cosmetic surgeons also look for the following as the set criteria in determining candidacy for rhinoplasty:
  • You are a healthy individual with no severe underlying conditions that can prevent quick healing.
  • You don’t smoke. Smoking hinders normal healing processes.
  • You have realistic expectations.
You must also accept that about 15% of cases need revision rhinoplasty to get the best results, and you may fall under this category.

The best way to know if you are the perfect candidate for rhinoplasty is to discuss your options with your prospective cosmetic surgeon. Your surgeon will conduct tests by imagery, such as X-rays and physical examinations, to ascertain that a nose job will fetch the right results for you.

A Revision May Be Necessary

Unfortunately, not all rhinoplasty procedures yield desired results due to various factors such as unskilled surgical procedures, distorted nasal functionality, injury to the nose that compromises the results, undesirable final effects, and extended healing periods.

If the initial rhinoplasty procedure fails to go as desired, you may need to go back under the scalpel for a revision procedure. Most rhinoplasty surgeons recommend making this decision after the final results, which should be at least one year after the operation. In some cases where the healing process doesn’t go as expected and complicates how you breathe, your surgeon will recommend an immediate revision to correct these flaws. Both rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty procedures are delicate and need an expertly skilled hand specializing in nose jobs. This should increase the chances of favorable results rather than disappointing gestures.

There you have it! Five important things that you should know before signing up for rhinoplasty. You might want to dig a little more and inquire from the experts before deciding to change your nose’s appearance through rhinoplasty.

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