When deciding which college to attend, a variety of factors weigh into the decision. Cost is always one of them and for a good reason.
College is a BIG investment, but also an essential step in the direction of your future. If you want to get a college degree in the U.S. but are on a tight budget, we have a list for you!
This list of nine of the most affordable colleges in the country will help you find the schools with the best value. Save on tuition without sacrificing education — you thrifty thing!
1. CUNY- City University of New York
This college network is extensive, with 25 campuses across New York City, and all are incredibly affordable to attend. Plus, you get to live in one of the country's most exciting cities while learning!
Their colleges include a program for criminal justice, a college of technology, a school of law, and a school of public health. The degrees they offer within those colleges are too many to name.
If you want a degree without going into deep debt, CUNY is the college to go to. Many students get more financial aid than the cost of tuition and actually get paid to go to college. They can use this money to pay for housing or other expenses.
The tuition to attend these colleges is between $4800- $6900.
2. California State University
This is another university that has many different campuses. They have 23 in total. Again, all are very affordable, with a tuition cost of $2000-$5000 per year.
California State University offers 41,000 different degrees across the system. So it doesn’t matter what you plan on graduating in or if you don’t yet know what you want to major in — Cal State is a good choice.
It also boasts of being one of the most diverse university systems in the U.S. People from all different backgrounds enjoy each other’s company at this university.
3. University of Texas
The University of Texas has eight locations in the state and offers over 100 degrees at each.
The tuition at this university is around $5000. With an acceptance rate of 80%, you’ll have a good chance of getting in if you apply here.
4. Sitting Bull College
This smaller college in North Dakota offers two master’s degrees, two bachelor’s degrees, and three associate's degrees. It also offers certificate programs to help you get into the workforce faster.
Tuition to attend is $3600 per year, with additional fees for some of the specialized degrees.
5. University of Florida
According to the University of Florida, 56% of their students graduate with no debt. With college being such a hefty investment and student loans following most for the years after graduation, this is a good thing to hear.
This university ranked #7 in U.S. News and World Report, making it a safe place to trust with your higher education. You can find their campus in Gainesville, Florida, in the northern part of the state.
The tuition to attend the University of Florida is $6380 per year. You could pay very little for your education if you get financial aid.
6. University of North Carolina
With seven different colleges offering 139 majors, the University of North Carolina could be a great choice, especially for anyone in the state who wants to save money on their student loans.
Their tuition is around $ 7,000 annually, way below the national average.
7. Truman State University
Nestled in Kirksville, Missouri, this university tops lists as the #1 public school in the midwest. Despite their small size, this attests to their ability to offer their students a great college experience and education.
Their yearly tuition is $7796, and 99% of their students get financial aid to help pay for a large portion.
8. Louisiana Tech University
Located in Ruston, Louisiana, this university offers degrees at $3595 in tuition.
Louisiana Tech University consists of five different colleges. They have the College of Business, the college of Applied and Natural Sciences, the College of Education, the College of Engineering and Science, and the College of liberal arts.
Each of these colleges offers varying degrees to fit anyone’s career goals.
89% of their accepted students get financial aid to help pay for expenses. You can expect to pay less than the total tuition to attend college here.
9. University of Georgia
Located in Athens, Georgia, this university has a student-to-faculty ratio of seventeen to one. This gives you plenty of attention from the professors when you need help.
This university has a slightly higher tuition fee of around $12,000 per year, but it is still an excellent choice for an affordable college.
It has pretty competitive admissions, with 99% of admitted students taking some advanced classes in high school.
*All costs are considered in-state tuition only and do not include room and board or other fees.
Attending any of these nine colleges will give you an impressive education at a low cost. With financial aid, your final price could be even lower!
Research and apply to your top three, and take a visit to find your perfect fit.
Just picture it. With acceptance and enrollment, four years from now, with a degree, you’ll be off to bigger and better things in your future!