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Liver cancer - Diagnosis and treatment

Liver cancer

Liver cancer is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous forms of cancer. It may or may not be induced by the habits of the patient like excessive drinking. The main reason why liver cancer remains undetected for a long time is that it is often confused with liver damage. Here is all you need to know about the diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer. 

Diagnosis of liver cancer

For liver cancer tests to be taken into consideration, liver dysfunction has to be ruled out. A diagnosis might be more critical for patients battling alcoholism, hepatitis and hemochromatosis. 

Blood tests

Some tests are run on the blood samples of the patient to diagnose liver cancer. Results showing an increased level of Alpha-Fetoprotein or AFP are the most likely indicators of the development of liver cancer. 


The surest way to diagnose a tumour is by ultrasound. It can detect the presence of a tumour as small as a centimetre. Usually, an MRI scan or a CT scan is used to assess the stage of growth of the tumour. 


A small incision on the patient's body is made to use tools like a camera to detect even minute tumours. 


There are many liver cancer clinical trials going on to learn more about liver cancer and discover a cure for it like the one run by Eureka Connect. Currently, there are different lines of treatments being practised.

The surgical options include removing the tumour from the liver and a part of the healthy liver tissues as well. This surgery is permissible only when the patient has had no history of any liver disease or dysfunction. The other way is to opt for a liver transplant. A healthy liver from a donor is used to replace the patient's liver. Only patients with early stages of cancer have this option. 

Radiation therapy
As the name suggests, high-intensity rays like X-rays help in treating liver cancer and tumours. They reduce the size of the tumour and eliminate the infected cells of the focused area. The power of the rays is so high that it needs to be focused only on a particular area. The stereotactic Radiotherapy System is a new development in cancer treatment to spare healthy liver tissues. It should be available in any cancer hospital in Ahmadabad or otherwise. 


A person's immunity system is entrusted with protecting it from any illness or unwanted body. In the case of liver cancer, the immunity system may be thrown off by the protein-inducing liver. The immunity system of the body is boosted to fight against the cancer cells in the liver.


Different medicines and drugs are used to monitor and curb the growth of liver cancer under chemotherapy. This process involves the ingestion of pills, intravenous input of drugs or in some cases, both. 

Localized treatments

These treatments are bound by local areas and the areas surrounding the cancer cells. The treatments include processes like radio-frequency ablation and cryoablation to destroy the cancer cells by heating and freezing them, respectively. Injecting pure alcohol into the tumour also limits its growth and destroys the cells. Small balls of radiation may be placed in the liver for localized treatment by a cancer hospital in Ahmedabad or any other place. 

Palliative care

The treatments for liver cancer are quite aggressive, and they can weaken a person's mind and body. Palliative care professionals take care of the patient and help them cope with intense treatments and therapy. They not only help in easing the pain induced by cancer but also provide mental support to the patients and their families. 

These are some of the ways of diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer. Though liver cancer is dangerous, it is possible to keep it under check and live a long, healthy life. 

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