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Should you buy a shock collar for your dog?

collar for your dog
Barking is among the ways dogs communicate. When it becomes excessive it is disturbing for everyone around. This is when shock collars can be combined with good training to correct the problem.

Before embarking on this course of action and choosing the best shock collars for dogs it is recommended that you figure out what is causing your dog’s barking. Once you know you can tackle changing whatever it is that causes your dog to bark.

Why Do Dogs Bark?

The Humane Society of the United States has identified numerous common causes for dogs barking excessively. They include:

  • Attracting Attention and MakingDemand: the dog wants to eat, it is asking to go outside, or it wants more of your attention.
  • Boredom and Frustration: the dog is fed up with being left all on its own, it would prefer to get out of its crate, or confined to one room all the time.
  • Response to Fear: The dog is afraid of certain objects, strangers, unknown places, other dogs and animals, or loud noises like thunder and fireworks.
  • Protective of territory: wants to warn of “intruders”
  • Over Excitement: the dog may just lose it when playing and start barking with enthusiasm.
  • Warning of Failing Health: the dog might have developed Canine Cognitive Dysfunction, be unable to hear itself barking, or have dementia.

Shock Bark Collars

Training coordinated with a shock bark collar is known to be successful in discouraging dogs from barking. As well as Shock Bark Collars you can also choose:

Spray Bark Collars

These spray bark collars are sound sensitive and release harmless but disconcerting citronella when a dog barks. It not only surprises the dog but also interrupts its barking pattern. With time, the majority of dogs learn to desist from their nuisance barking.

There are spray collars that employ both a vibration along with sensors that detect barking. Others use advanced bark recognition technology so the collars will only spray when the dog barks.

Ultrasonic Bark Collars

Ultrasonic bark collars deter barking by sending out a loud ultrasonic sound that can only be heard by dogs. Its an unpleasant and high-pitched noise that startles the dog disrupts its barking and discourages any continuation.

Some models combine both ultrasound and vibration. While the ultrasound sends a harmless beep tone it distracts the dog from barking, while the vibration, which occurs near the larynx, helps to interrupt the dog’s barking.

Vibration Bark Collars

Vibration bark collars interrupt the dog with a harmless vibration from one or two of their probes. Some of these collars also employ a beep sound. After a whole, the majority of dogs come to understand that the collar is there to disrupt any urge to bark. As a result, dogs tend to relax and stop barking.

In summary

Combining a bark collar’s modern electronics with quality dog training techniques means it is possible to train a dog to stop annoying barking. Barking: How to Get Your Dog to Quiet Down, which is produced by the Humane Society of the United States will help you over the difficulties of managing your dog's noisy habits. You may also want to think about joining some professional training classes.

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