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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Sunglasses


Introduction of polarized sunglasses

We all are familiar with the term polarized sunglasses since long ago. They make it easier for their users to see fine details in bright sunlight by reducing reflective glare dramatically. People who are sensitive to reflective glare find them more beneficial.

The most prominent feature of polarized sunglasses is that they allow only that amount of light, which is necessary to see in other words they eliminate the sun from eyes. They don't reduce glare efficiently, but they make the image more apparent and sharper, which gives us increased clarity and comfort in vision. They can also be applied to the patients of cataracts after their surgery, particularly for those who get exposed continually to bright sunlight through the window.

The polarity feature of polarized sunglasses may not sometimes work correctly, but they still can cut the brightness of ambient light. The intensity of sunlight gets almost half after passing through the polarized lens.

How does a polarized lens work?

These work through reflected light, which travels through a horizontally oriented direction. They have strips that allow vertically polarized light into the eyes of the person who is wearing it. Glare can get eliminated because light waves can't be able to pass through a polarized filter.

Advantage of polarized sunglasses

Here are the few benefits of the polarized lenses with detail:

Glare reduction

We all have seen these polarized sunglasses with their unique fashion aspect with people who are working around the vicinity of water, fisherman, and boaters because they can reduce the glare coming from the water surface.

Acting as protective coating against UV rays

  • Even though UV sunglasses are the best and premier choice against UV light, Polarized sunglasses can reduce the exposure amount to a greater extent.
  • For best results, always look for the sunglasses which can filter or reflect 99% of UV-A and UV-B out 100%. It is believed strongly that UV-A and UV-B lenses are the best choices to counter the effects of UV light, but polarized sunglasses can reduce the impact of UV light.

Clarity of vision

During driving, we lose focus many times due to the glare of the sun. Polarized lenses give us optimum protection and make seeing clear and focused even when there is a high amount of glare is present.

Equally useful to use in bright conditions

As we have discussed before that polarized sunglasses can fight with glare, they can be used with equal ease in bright situations to make the vision even more evident. This allows us to be comfortable in diverse environmental conditions.

Reduce eye strain

It puts an enormous amount of pressure and fatigue on eyes if you have to adjust according to external glare reflections. Wearing polarized sunglasses can help you a great deal to overcome eye strain and other such problems.

Disadvantages of using polarized sunglasses

Although polarized sunglasses are a masterpiece of technology for the blockage of glare, making it easier for you to see in bright and sunny days. However, there are some issues and drawbacks from which you have to be aware of.

Change in the pattern of seeing

It becomes challenging to see smartphone screens while you are wearing your polarized sunglasses. Looking at an LCD screen can also become tricky because images can start to disappear in in-depth details. Due to these difficulties, some professionals are not allowed to polarize sunglasses. It is also reported that while wearing such lenses, drivers can see a different image and shape on the road. So it is wise for you to use polarized sunglasses according to your feasibility and preference.

Expensive to afford

On average, as compared to ordinary sunglasses, they are costly. It is an investment, but this investment is only justifiable if you are going to buy it for a valid and unavoidable reason. There are sunglasses present in the market which are expensive, but they can't match up with standards of the industry, and some brands say that price is not the guarantee for quality; it means the price has nothing to do with quality or industry standards.


You should consult an eye specialist if you have a problem with your present sunglasses rather than going to the market and buying a new pair of sunglasses.

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