
Nowadays, locksmith services are not just limited to replacing or repairing locks or duplicating keys. A locksmith now caters to the different needs of a customer. As security systems improve, so do locksmiths. They now come in different types and offer various services. Some of them may be experts in one area, while others won’t be as knowledgeable within such a field. With such changes, locksmith companies also now promote services such as a 24 hour locksmit or mobile locksmith, among others, to attract potential customers.

If you’re looking for a certain service, and you don’t know what to call it, you can check out the list below and understand what type of locksmith you are looking for:

Residential Locksmith

These are the locksmiths that you should hire when you get yourself locked out of your homes or when you want to change your locks for better security. Residential locksmiths offer services that include duplicating your house keys, repairing garage locks, or helping you out with your window locks. Anything that is related to your home security systems, they will handle it. They also know the latest locking mechanisms and which locks would be best suited for your doors. Apart from this, we would suggest you explore the internet for various platforms offering online locksmith courses in case you plan to join an online training to become a locksmith.

Commercial Locksmith

These are the locksmiths that should be called upon for commercial properties. There is a huge difference between the security system of a residential house and that of a commercial building. The latter has a higher level of security and will require more sophisticated locks and technology. For example, some establishments such as schools or offices make use of a biometric system. This comes in the form of a smart lock where fingerprints are scanned in order to gain access for entry and egress.

Automotive Locksmith

These are locksmiths that help you when you lose or misplace your car keys. Locksmiths are not just confined to buildings or houses. They can also help you with your vehicle problems. Automotive locksmiths specialize in services that include programming transponder keys or even cutting new keys when needed. They can help with car key extraction as well in case your keys got stuck. They would be able to help you with any key regardless of the brand of the vehicle.

Safe Locksmith

When it comes to protecting valuable objects such as jewellery, money, or firearms, safes are the best place where you can keep them. Safe locksmiths for that matter can help you with various services such as Safe Cracking, Safe Installation, or Safe Combination Change. These locksmiths specialize in any area related to safes.

Master Key Locksmith

Commercial enterprises commonly hire these types of locksmiths. This is because they are the usual ones who make use of master key systems, although some residential properties have one too. Master key locksmiths will help in the installation and maintenance of the control systems. Through this type of security, it will provide certain limitations on some parts of the property. It will bar access to those who were not authorized to enter the premises.

Emergency Locksmith

An emergency locksmith is also known as a 24 hour locksmith. They are your one call away locksmiths who will provide their services anywhere, anytime. They are always on the go and will be there in case of emergency situations. They can deal with a variety of issues, be it a jammed door or a broken lock. Emergency locksmiths are trained to be able to fix any problem that you might have.

There are reputable places like 1-800-Unlocks where you can find all of the listed types of locksmiths. When trying to find an online service, browse through their listings, and look for the locksmith services that you are searching for. Go to places that guarantee credible and high-quality services.