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Pull Out Spray Kitchen Faucet Problems

As much as you enjoy pulling out the sprayer from the faucet and wash around the whole sink, it does come with some cost. Yes, pull out spray kitchen is flexible and fun. But the problems that come with it may not be fun.

That is why today we are going to discuss the pullout spray kitchen faucet problems. 

Problem no 1:

Hose does not retract properly. This problem is more visible in the lower end and cheap pullout spray faucets. But if you are spending enough money to buy them from a proper brand then you might not face any issue.
The problem is after some usage, say like 1 month of usage the hose won't retract properly and crisp like it used to. Soon they won't even retract at all. 
This is one of the most common issues. The hose retracts back thanks to the weight attached underneath. Sometimes that weight gets stuck or if it's plastic weight may even get destroyed for whatever reason. You may be able to fix this issue by changing the weight underneath.

Problem no 2:

Low water pressure. This happens most likely because of the mineral deposits inside the faucets head aerator. But one thing to make clear this doesn't only happen to pullout faucet sprayer, it can happen to any kind of commercial faucets.

Problem no 3:

Doesn't sit snuggly inside the cradle. This problem is similar to the first one. Some pull out faucet sprayer uses spring to retract the sprayer. But after some time the spring seems to give out and lose strength. The place where the hose sits back gets a little broken if you are harsh on the sprayer. With cheaper modes, this is something that you have to live with. 
Higher priced one has cradle designed to avoid this issue. 

Problem no 4:

Leaky pull out hose, is another huge issue of pull out hoses. Most leakage issue in pull out sprayer occurs at the end of the hose, where you connect the sprayer with water valve. If this happens you don't need to change the whole faucet. You only need to change the sprayer. Or if it's just connection issue you don't even need to change the sprayer just replace the connection valve. Remember to use Teflon tape in the threaded head of the hose before reinstalling the connector valve. 

Problem no 5:

Leaking spray head. It is another common issue. Sometimes you notice that your sprayer is dropping water for no reason. If you check you will see it's coming from behind the sprayer neck. It's not coming from the hose or underneath the faucet. The head sometimes leaks water. The reason behind that is the threads inside the head-worn out. You can simply fix this issue by replacing the sprayer head. It's not that hard to do. With the help of an Allen wrench, you can open the head of the sprayer easily. Let the water inside drain out and wrap the head with Teflon tape. This makes the seal tighter and leak proof. After wrapping the connector proceed to attach the new head and you are done.

These are the most common issues that you find with pull out sprayer faucet. Truth be told most of them can be fixed by you. But then again there are people out there who are skeptical about this stuff. You can find some crucial information about pull out and pull down or others faucets from some Kitchen Faucet Blog. Some of the Blog are really talking well information and review, which is trusty and honesty.

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