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Managing Personal Finances in Times of Crisis

Image by Andrew Khoroshavin from Pixabay 

While managing your finances well is always essential, times of peril magnify its significance. The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown a lot into uncertainty. Many people have lost their jobs or have been put on furlough. People around the world are worried about their personal finances. Now is the time not only to save as much as you can but also to look at how much money you have and what you can do to spend less on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis. Whoever you are, managing your money is as crucial as ever. 

Covid-19 & Loss of Work

If you are one of the many people who has had to take time off work due to the coronavirus pandemic, there are some support measures in place that you can take advantage of. Are you facing a drop in income? If you’ve been laid off or put on short-time work, the government will cover up to 80 percent of the employee’s salary through grants to businesses and a range of changes to the benefits system. The income support scheme might cover up to the same amount, 80 percent of your profit based on tax returns if you’re self-employed. 

According to the MoneyPug site, which is used to find payday loans, instead of taking out finance, you might need to apply for statutory sick pay (SSP) if you have to take time off work. Assistance could also come as Universal Credit or Employment and Support Allowance. However, they can be considerably less than what you are used to living on. A Jobseeker’s Allowance can be claimed if you are a member of the gig economy and your income dries up. 

What You Can Do

Coronavirus might make you feel like you don’t have control over your life, but you do. You need to use your agency. First of all, you have rights. You should know what you are entitled to if your ability to work is affected by government regulations to mitigate the impact of Covid-19. When you know what your rights are, you can better prepare for the future. 

First things first. You need to start saving some money. In an uncertain world, saving is always a positive. There are plenty of ways to do this. One thing you can do is start an emergency budget. This is money you put away solely to use when an emergency happens, and there are no other options. This budget will enable you to keep peace of mind and pay for things when tragedy strikes. 

Check your Insurance Policies

It is essential to always check whether you have insurance policies that would cover your mortgage payments. They could also replace some of your income with payment protection insurance, mortgage payment protection insurance, accident, sickness, and unemployment insurance. While these types of insurance are often offered with life insurance policies or mortgages, it’s easy to forget you have coverage. Typically, it takes several months before these policies are paid off. Talk to your insurer frequently to ensure you get the most you can.

Make a Budget

Determining how much money you should spend during this time is most important. This will differ from your usual amount. You must create a new budget to accurately see how much money you need to save, put away, and make during the next month or two. It is always imperative to create a budget. Knowing how much wiggle room you have is essential. 

Keep Up with the Regulations

Since this is nearly unprecedented, lawmakers are also making this up as they go along. You should constantly be aware of your state’s action on rent, wages, and other crucial issues during this time. It is vital to take advantage of every avenue of possible assistance. By paying attention, you will see that you have done everything possible to overcome this. 

Managing your finances is never easy, but you have every reason to keep them in mind during times of stress. Taking control of your money will provide an essential way for you to have some say in your life. When you take these simple steps, you can better track your money and stay in control of your life.
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