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Keep Yourself Busy With These Lockdown DIY Projects

Image source is Shutterstock

The UK is currently on lockdown and most of us are working from home, giving us enough time to think about how to update our interiors. It is a ‘new normal’ for us all. We seem to be making the best use of the time according to a survey conducted by PriceYourJob where 2000 Britons spoke the minds of the rest of us and revealed what we’ve all been thinking; now’s the perfect time for some DIY!

Obviously, apart from staying indoors, we also need to practice a great deal of social distancing, so we’ve tried as much as possible to keep things simple in this piece. You probably have all you need for these projects in your garage or garden shed, and if you don’t, make sure you order just the stuff you really need and don’t go too far from the house. We’re in lockdown, remember?

Ok, let’s get into it!

Make a Garden Path

So, you’ve got a stack of leftover bricks? Why not put them to good use? Make a path the same shape as your flowerbeds. Create a patterned curve by laying your bricks long and sideways on a bed of gravel. Concrete paving might be a smart option if you will be using the path a whole lot.

Put Up New Curtains

Looking for something to help you kill time? Then hang up some new curtains.

For those who like contemporary, go for the sleek and modern look. Choose tab-top or eyelet curtains with a chunky or chrome pole. 

For the conservative types who prefer a more traditional look, use pencil-pleat or pinch curtains suspended from wooden rings on a pole if your fabric is heavy. And if you have a light to medium-weight fabric, hang them on a track.

For medium to heavyweight fabric or a blackout blind, you really don’t have to line your curtains, although, if you line them, they will look better when hung.

For sheer or ultra-lightweight fabric that may look too heavy with lining, don’t try to economize on the width – it is best if they look full and flowing, and not limp.

Hang Pictures

Choose only the photographs, paintings, or prints you love as you would want to live with and see them again and again. You can hang the pretty, pastel-coloured images in the bedroom and the serious, darker pictures in the dining room.

Your hallways and other less important parts of the house can take a set of prints. Hang a large painting on a staircase for maximum impact, and an important oil painting in a strong focal point such as over the fireplace.

There are no hard and fast rules, so that 18th-century portrait can always find a place in a modern setting.

Build a Garden Bench

If you have some timber lying around the house, then this is a great time to show off your carpentry skills. You can build a rustic, garden bench, plus you can even go green while you are at it. 

Use untreated, locally grown, long-lasting timber. It is not only environmentally friendly, but it also saves time. Besides, you don’t have to smoothen or seal your bench, just nail it together and you’re good to go.

Paint Your Interiors

Painting your rooms during the lockdown can lift your mood. If you want the perfect interior painting, then you’ll need all the time you can get. And that’s something you have an abundance of, right now.

If you’ve got some paint lying around, all you have to do is follow the basic rules of painting; read the helpful small print on the paint bucket, don’t put too much paint on your brush – or it could splash, drip or splatter, and go slowly. 

To get the most out of the experience; put on your favorite music station, take a lot of breaks, and stop when it starts to get dark.

Tidy Your Wardrobe

You have a lot of time now, courtesy of the lockdown. You might as well dedicate your attention to sorting out your wardrobe. Chuck items you’ve not worn in six months and co-ordinate your clothes into units so it’s easier to pick out what you want to wear in the mornings. You could end up rediscovering an old favourite or getting inspired by a new combination of outfits. 

Life can seem so claustrophobic during a lockdown, but engaging in some DIY can take your mind off the dreariness of it all.
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