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Digital Marketing Myths in 2024?

New to the game of digital marketing? If you are experienced and want to touch up your knowledge and understanding to become better at your job, chances are that you are fully aware of digital marketing myths that make the rounds. 

When it comes to the magical world of digital marketing, it can feel like a daunting and ever-changing world where everything remains the same for a while. 

The world is full of mysteries and new Google Algorithms, so keeping up to date with the latest developments is key to being truly successful with digital marketing. 

But keeping up with the latest industry trends can often be a stressful experience, which shouldn't be. 

To help ease any uncertainty and remove any obstacles, we have put together a top list of digital marketing myths that you, too, can avoid. 

Top 5 Digital Marketing Myths

1- SEO is no longer relevant

The first of our marketing myths for you to avoid and be aware of is the rumor that SEO is dead. Short for search engine optimization, SEO is an essential and much-needed addition to your marketing strategy.

From helping to improve its ranking within the search engines to the volume of traffic and leads that you receive, staying relevant and visible in such a crowded area is paramount, more so than ever, and SEO can help. 

Complex and often challenging to understand for those starting out within digital marketing, from on-page and off-page SEO to the use of Google My Business; if unsure where to begin, an external SEO company can help and advise the best plan moving forward. 

2- Content is not important

A common belief and digital marketing myth that needs to be avoided is that content is not essential. With well-written, keyword-driven content regularly added across your site, visitors within your target audience will easily find and convert your site. By making sure that you periodically update your site and post entertaining and informative content, you can make sure that your site is drawing visitors in from the top of the funnel. At the same time, they progress down to the bottom before converting. 

With the content that you have created, promoting such content across your social channels and your email subscriber list is essential to help engage them and keep them buying into the brand that you are selling. While the common belief is that content is not crucial, another marketing myth that should be busted is that any form of content is good. This is not the case; with content being published that needs to be planned out and created without the addition of keywords, and with no inbound and outbound links, internal or external, your piece of content may boost no relevance or importance to your marketing strategy. 

3-Digital marketing is not relevant to my business

Whether you run a blog, dog-walking services, or an eCommerce store, digital marketing is relevant to all sites regardless of their intentions. From communicating with like-minded individuals to selling the latest pair of trainers to keen runners, digital marketing can help you find, inspire, and complete your intended audience's goals. 

With many different categories that fall underneath digital marketing, these can include SEO, PCC, Social Media and Google Ads, all with their own unique features that can support and aid your business. When running a business, don’t be caught short and believe this common digital marketing myth that digital marketing is irrelevant. 

4- People do not convert on mobiles

Gone are the days when people switch on their desktop computers to browse the internet and complete their orders. Instead, more and more people are turning to their mobile phones and tablets to complete much larger, more valuable purchases.

Whether due to the rise of apps, internet security, or our changing behaviors in expecting to access our favorite shops at any time or place, mobile, and tablet conversions are often in line with those completed on desktops.

If not already included within your business, an important feature that should be discussed reasonably promptly is making sure that your website is optimised for mobile use. 

By making sure that your pages load quickly, images are the optimal size, and a mobile version of the site is available, you can ensure that not only is the user experience maintained but also that your audience can convert on their device of choice. 

5- There is no need to update my website

Another common digital marketing myth, and one that could affect your site's rankings, is that once you have built your site, there is no need to update it. 

The need to regularly update and refresh your site is more important than you initially thought. By taking the time to refresh and add valuable content, you are telling search engines that your site is up to date. 

Not refreshing and updating your site can result in it becoming stagnant and pages being lost further down in the search results.

Keep up to date, and make sure that you regularly update your content in line with the latest algorithms to help keep it found and relevant to your audience.

There you have it: 5 top digital marketing myths in 2024. Why believe in these myths can cause more damage to ? your site's structure and positioning

With every digital marketer wanting to achieve the highest possible results, making sure that your site is up-to-date and optimized is paramount and more important than ever.

With more and more sites being uploaded onto the internet every day, make sure that you avoid these common myths, which will help you get your site seen in 2024. 

Related post: Why 90% Of Newbies Fail In Digital Marketing

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