Engage is an up-to-date, innovative, cloud-based live chat tool that helps merchants to increase their conversion rates by improving their website visitors' experience. As the name suggests, it "engages" the prospect customer in a warm body chat; hence, the visitor is likely to fall for the "caring" nature of the merchant. You need to understand this better.
Read on.
How Does It Work?
When a visitor loads onto your website, more chances are that s/he'll leave without purchasing a service, contrary to your wants. It'd be a good thing if you could convert each customer into a lead. Fortunately, you can, and Engage is an excellent way to go. It allows you to initiate the prospect customers' interests to purchase your goods or services, by being available to greet and respond to them as soon as they land.
Customers need a welcoming note, more preferably from a real human when they visit a website. This is precisely one of the uncountable features of Engage. All customers have someone to respond to them, and in a whole new way. Mostly, you'll find merchants using live chat options that oblige the customer to converse with someone whose profile is hidden. With Engage, each customer care agent's profile is public. You can view their photos, job titles, experience, and other details. Plus, you don't have to wait in the queue. Instead, you have the freedom to choose who to talk to among the employees.
• Supports both audio and visual chats
• Logs chats for easy access at a later time
• Features an administrative control function
• You can find a direct chat URL
• File sharing and storage available
• Highly responsive
• One person can run multiple chats at a time
• Offline agent-centered chats
• You can search for a keyword in stored conversations for easy access
✓ Customers can choose the right employee with the apt job profile for their issues.
✓ There's more trust in the respondents since their profiles are made public.
✓ The customers don't have to wait for respondents in queues
✓ Excellent customer reviews on neutral review sites
✓ All businesses of various sizes can use it
✓ Very cost-effective
✓ Real people interact with the customers, not robots or programs
× There's no money-back guarantee for subscribers
What's The Price?
Engage is free for the first month. This allows the user to evaluate and confirm its specs. After that, the user will be required to pay $7 to continue enjoying its services. You can also unsubscribe from the software after the first 30 days if you're not pleased with the software.
What Are Customers Saying?
I found excellent reviews for this service both on their official website and on third-party review websites. The good news is that all the reviews were genuinely from past users of the service, most of whom gave testimonials about how fast the service has helped them up their game and increase leads as a result.
The Bottom Line
Live chat apps, software, and cloud-based services are uncountable, but Engage remains conspicuous among them for its numerous advantages. The service is highly affordable, up-to-date, and easy to use, making it most businesses' darling. You have every reason to
switch to Engage, too.
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