A person’s eyes can sometimes convey a message that mere words cannot articulate. It is a useful ability, one that enables us to form a deeper, more meaningful connection with the people around us. However, for individuals who suffer from a medical condition that causes vision obstruction, the chance of establishing a connection with just a look or a glance is lost.
This unfortunate scenario is more common that anyone would like to believe. Ptosis, a condition that refers to the drooping of the upper eyelid, can happen to people of any age and the severity of each case varies. Some people complain about droopy lids that make them appear sleepy, angry, or inattentive, while another report that their vision is compromised; severe cases of ptosis cause the upper eyelid to sag excessively that it begins to obstruct the person’s vision.
There are people who seek ptosis surgery in Singapore to minimize vision obstruction and lessen headaches caused by excessive use of forehead muscles. On the other hand, there are people who undergo the surgery to achieve larger-looking eyes and a more defined eyelid crease. Some individuals just also want their eyes to look more awake. Whether the reason for a ptosis surgery is aesthetic or functional, the important thing is to consider the salient details of the procedure before deciding to avail it.
Allure, an innovative day surgery centre in Singapore, helped us with the writing of this article and hopefully, it will serve as your ultimate guide to
ptosis surgery in Singapore. We will cover the following points: the causes of ptosis, treatments, complications, and aftercare instructions.

Causes of Ptosis
Ptosis is caused by several different factors:
- Congenital ptosis. Congenital literally means “from birth”. Children with ptosis experience problems in the levator muscles, which result in their inability to easily lift the upper eyelids.
- Involuntary ptosis. This affects older individuals in one or both eyes. It usually happens when the levator muscles lose their strength and begin to deteriorate as part of the natural aging cycle.
- Eye disease, injury, or trauma. In several cases, an eye disease, injury, or trauma can result in ptosis. This occurs when the levator muscles that supports the eyelids are damaged, or there is damage to the nerves that control the levator muscles. Cataract surgery or improper wearing of contact lenses are also known to cause ptosis.

Congenital ptosis is typically addressed during childhood if the case is severe and if it causes vision obstruction. However, complete symmetry and function of both eyelids is not always achieved after surgery for patients with congenital ptosis. Because of this, the patient may still have a drooping lid and the sclera or the white of the eye becomes visible on down-gaze.
Treating Ptosis
The type of treatment for ptosis mainly depends on its cause. Most often, surgery is the treatment advised for drooping eyelids.
- Incisional Ptosis Eyelid Correction. This technique works by creating an incision along the double eyelid crease to reach the levator muscle. The doctor may remove unnecessary skin and fat together with certain parts of the resected eyelid muscle. This is the best option for people with too much sagging on their eyelids.
- Suture Ptosis Eyelid Correction. This is done by stitching the levator muscle as high as required to avoid vision obstruction. It is best suited for those who are afflicted with a mild case of ptosis.
- Frontalis Suspension Technique. Sutures are used to anchor eyelid tissue to the muscles above the brow. This technique is advised for patients with very weak eyelid muscles.
Ptosis surgery in Singapore is performed under local anaesthesia, which ensures that you will feel little to zero pain. During the surgery, the doctor may inject more local anaesthesia if needed. Sedation is also recommended to make the patient more comfortable if he or she has low pain tolerance.
If you wish to learn which technique is best suited for your condition, please contact the Allure clinic.
Complications After Ptosis Surgery
Any form of surgery carries risks, including ptosis surgery in Singapore. The complications that may arise from a failed surgery include:
- Bleeding and infection. Bad surgical techniques can cause bleeding and infection. The doctor should be extra cautious to avoid any mistake and he or she must always pay close attention to details.
- Sutures breaking. Loose sutures break easily and will compromise the success of the procedure.
- Atypical scars. If the doctor mishandles an incision along the eyelid, a visible scar will appear.
Aftercare Tips
It is important to follow practical aftercare tips to ensure that you get the best results after your ptosis surgery.
- Follow the prescribed medication. Your doctor will provide a complete set of aftercare medications and you need to follow it to prevent infections and complications.
- Avoid rubbing your eyes after the surgery. This is to keep the eye clean and prevent any damage to the treated area.
- Avoid direct sunlight. Too much exposure to the sun may cause irritations. Wear dark-tinted sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat when you go outside to protect your skin from the sun.
- Rest and sleep enough. Make sure that you have enough sleep and rest for a faster recovery.
- Eat a balanced diet. Healthy meals will help heal wounds faster and will provide your body with the energy and nutrients it needs to get back on track.
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