The top 5 goals of any business are:
- Become discoverable on Google;
- Increase brand awareness
- Improve quality leads;
- Increase conversions;
- Enjoy the results!
Do you believe so? Are you looking out for ways in which you can accomplish your marketing goals? If your answer is yes, then your ultimate resort to achieve these goals is an expert Digital Marketing Agency. However, not every digital marketing agency ticks the box! There are certain criteria in which the potential agency should fit before you hand over your life and blood of marketing to them.
We understand the pain of selecting one agency from the pool of outwardly similar options, but you need to select one that analyses your business module, works together to optimize the goals and thereby increase the chances of your business conversion.
Do you find it difficult to select the strongest of all, then here is your handbook that will guide you and suggest what things you should look out for in a digital marketing company?
As mentioned, no one can be the jack of all trades, some digital marketers have expertise in on-page SEO, while the others are good at technical SEO. Few digital
marketing agencies Toronto master PPC while others may revolve around branding and influencer marketing. Hence the first step towards selecting your prospective digital marketing agency is to identify what exactly you are looking for. Once you have identified your marketing goal, find out which company specializes in providing that and then bang on the below questions to them.
Do they use current methods?
Google algorithms undergo fast camouflage!! (like literally). Whatever strategy you would have adopted today may not work in the future. And hence the digital marketing agency must keep themselves updated with the changes and trends. The changing trends have a huge impact on how they would perform your branding and how they will be successful in branding your product or service. Where do you wish to market your product, is it on Google Ads, Bing search, Microsoft advertising, Amazon search engine, Amazon Ads and more. All these platforms have their own set of updates that roll out regularly. Hence, your potential agency should be aware of any recent changes published by the platforms and also should be familiar with the digital marketing news.
Do they talk about their marketing niche?
Generally speaking, questions like this will give you an idea of what the company is doing and how they would approach your queries. If they are comfortable in explaining their niche to a layman, understand that they have got control over their work and are capable of delivering the results in an expected way. However, if you feel that they speak the memorized definitions while explaining to you, it would be advisable to carry out a further investigation for judging them.
Pick up a company that comforts you, gives you a satisfying answer, making you feel more confident about the strategy and performance. A tip would be hiring a digital marketing agency that specializes in your niche. Like how healthcare marketing specialists would be more effective in running social media marketing and
SEO for healthcare companies.
Do they provide each of the digital marketing services?
We understand that picking up a company having a niche is important, but knowledge and awareness about nook and corner of digital marketing. This is because of the reason, all the aspects of digital marketing work together. Be it technical SEO or on-page SEO, social media campaigns or email marketing, be it anything, but are necessities.
Therefore, pick up an agency that has a thorough understanding of the digital marketing components.
Ask for their case studies:
Well, you can not escape from the case studies of your potential agency. Agency will say good things about their work, but the proof of it is a documented case study. Case studies are strong assets that can deliver more information about the quality of work done by the agency. We understand that it is restricted to share the fine details about the work done due to the NDA agreements; however, they can share information about how they ran the campaigns. Having said that, if they can not share the document, they should be capable of elaborating it to you on how they have approached the campaign and how things worked out for them.
Additionally, you can go and check online reviews of the agency or reach out to their past clients to get a better idea and real reviews.
What are the result-oriented promises they make to you?
The genuineness of an agency can be checked if you ask them about the specific things they can deliver in a given period of time. This also means keeping a check on false promises the agencies make to their clients in meeting up the deadlines or project completion.
It would be unfortunate if they promise that they will bring you to position 1 in a short period of time; also, quick & immediate results or a sudden rise in the click-through rates are something that doesn’t happen overnight. These goals are attainable, but not in a less period of time. Red flag the agency that promises you to dream SEO results in a short span.
Do they follow what they preach?
This is not as easy task as it looks to be. You need to invest your valuable time in figuring out whether your potential agency follows their words exactly in achieving results. For checking out their loyalty towards their preaching, go and check their website’s blogs and social media accounts.
Ensure that they themselves use optimised sites and relevant keywords for getting the top rank on the search engines. Check their social media accounts. You can go and check their authority by visiting their Google My Business profile. It should be branded, populated and exactly the same as what they have mentioned.
Another thing which you can do is, go and check the company on Google. See the results and ensure how much they have optimized the titles and meta descriptions. You can also sign up for their email newsletter and get frequent updates about the company until you make the final deal. While auditing the potential agency, check their social media content, hashtags and posting frequency.
web design company might deliver you an excellent-looking website, but getting that particular website on the Google search results is a job to be done by a digital marketing agency. We hope these questions will help you in finding out the best suitable agency for your marketing campaigns.
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