For those of us who love to travel but hate spending hours perusing ticket websites for the best airfare, there’s Hitlist.
The Hitlist experience begins with manually building a list of places you’d like to visit or choosing from recommendations that appear «Tinder Style» with basic information about baseline prices.
Since Hitlist is integrated with Facebook, the app can also tell you which of your friends live in the destinations you’re considering traveling to. This is a helpful feature when you need a couch to crash on.
The big thing, though, is that Hitlist will send you alerts when there’s a fantastic deal on plane tickets for one of the destinations on your «to visit» list- no more setting up alerts or switching between ten windows in your browser to find the biggest bargain.
How does Hitlist do it? According to the company, «a proprietary deal-sorting algorithm that uses machine learning to sort the most relevant deals for each consumer.» The app also features a «functioning multi-origin flights search engine,» which is code for a way to help friends coordinate trips to the same destinations.
Hitlist is a pivot from TripCommon, a travel services company founded by Gillian Morris and Timo de Winter in 2012. The team has received $500,000 in funding from different investors, including Jeff Clarke, CEO of Eastern Kodak. Before that, the team scraped by with help from friends and family.
Tripcommon/Hitlist’s monetization strategy isn’t overtly spelled out, but I suspect they’ll benefit from affiliate fees from airlines, especially once they stop using a third party, Skyscanner, for booking.
If you’re a traveler with a smartphone, you’ll want to download this app from either Google Play or the App Store. It’s free.
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