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Off-page SEO That Works

Off-page SEO is one of the important aspects of your website optimization process for search engines. A lot of people consider off-page SEO similar to link building strategies. However, it is a broad term with a plethora of website promotional elements.

The sole purpose of off-page SEO is to rank a website in the search engines. This SERP ranking method involves the activities outside your website’s boundaries. To improve your ranking and get your website on top of the search results, you must hire the best off-page SEO agency such as ClickSlice

Importance of Off-Page SEO

Google has been trying to provide the relevant and most accurate search results to its users. It has updated its algorithm multiple times to provide the websites and users with a fair search platform. One such way for Google to find out the authority and quality of your content is to check the backlinks i.e. the links and mentions that your brand is receiving from the authority websites. 

Google considers off-page SEO a crucial aspect for your search ranking. To determine the credibility of your website, search engines rely on your off-page site promotion activities. Let’s have a look at some popular off-page SEO tactics that work.


The primary and most important element of off-page SEO is backlinks. Google Algorithm checks the quantity and quality of the backlinks your website receives. Some people believe that link building is an outdated technique that no longer works. However, Google has recently announced that the company considers the backlink of a website before ranking it in the search engines. 

When some other website links to your webpage, you earn a backlink. You can earn backlink by sharing guest posts on your competitor's blogs, pitching the influencers, or posting high-quality content that convinces the webmaster to link to your website. 

Make sure that the quantity of the backlinks is the least important factor that matters. You need to work on achieving high-quality backlinks from websites with a high DA (Domain Authority) rate. You can’t expect Google to improve your website ranking considering some random links. It might be hard for webmasters to achieve a backlink from high-authority websites. However, that’s the only possible method of increasing your website’s authority.

Brand Mentions

Have you ever come across a website that has mentioned your brand without linking to your website? Well, websites can mention your brand with or without a link. Of course, the linked brands will have strong SEO value as it will be considered a backlink. But what about the unlinked brand mentions?

Google has indirectly mentioned the importance of unlinked brand mentions in their patent. According to Google, brands mentions with and without links deserve value. Google considers all your brand mentions that you receive from high-authority websites, whether they are linked or not. There are many ways the webmaster can increase brand mentions such as writing guest blogs, doing blogger outreach, going viral on the internet, and more.

Reviews on Google My Business Profile

Whether you want to rank your local business or a standard website on Google, you must aim to achieve the best and positive customer reviews to impress the search engine. Basically, the more positive reviews you manage to collect on your Google My Business Profile the higher your search ranking will be. The effect will be the opposite if you receive negative reviews.

According to the sources, reviews are the fifth most important ranking factor for a local business. Hence, you must ask the customers to leave a review every time they seek your services.

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