Membership cards have so many benefits beyond accessing your company’s rewards system – in fact, if you’re a pub, club, bar or leisure center and you don’t have membership cards, then you’re really missing out. Whether you’re a small local hub or you’re part of a global corporation, you’re going to see some major benefits once you instate a membership system, promise! Here are just a few of the benefits that members cards can bring to your company…
Customer Affinity
A tangible reminder that your customers are a valued and important part of your business really is so powerful, no matter what size your operation might be! High quality, well-designed membership cards put your best foot forward, every single time a customer reaches into their wallet or visits your business. This will encourage a brand/customer relationship and increase levels of affinity which, as any good businessperson knows, is absolutely invaluable.
Safety and Security
Knowing exactly who’s coming in and out of your company’s doors at any given time is incredibly beneficial to the overall safety of your work environment and your customers. A database is useful for staying on top of whos-who and will deter the chances of security breaches in the long run. Whether you’re working with a reader system,
a scanner or your membership cards are simply inspected by members of staff, cards with personal details or even photographs are going to tighten your company’s safety levels.
Membership Renewal
Loading your cards with rewards, members-only perks and unique add-ons will encourage your customers to renew or even upgrade their membership over time. Membership renewal is great as it prolongs your relationship with your customers and entices them to engage more with what you have to offer.
Setting the renewal date at every six or twelve months will really give you a good idea of how well your current structure is performing. Your renewal notification can also be sent through email or good old-fashioned postage and request a little more information about the member or promote new offers, products or services at your business.
Customer Retainment and Attraction
Retaining customers is incredibly important for brand performance, and a membership card is a great way to remind your visitors of the value that they’re deriving from engaging in a relationship with your company. What’s more, a well-made membership card is usually going to be stashed in your customers’ wallets.
This means that when they pull it out or spy it whilst they’re rummaging around for other cards, they’re likely to tell their social circle, family or colleagues about the positive experience they’ve had at your company. This will potentially attract new customers and thus grow your business. Retainment and growth, all from simple plastic membership cards? Not bad!
Extra Information and Insight
Identity People cards can give you a better insight into your customers’ personalities. This means that you can have a great understanding of who your demographic actually is – instead of relying on numbers. Details such as age, nationality and home address will really open you up to the nature of your market, meaning you are better equipped to communicate with them.
Greeting your customers by name will bring an added personal touch that will set you apart from your competitors. Knowing names and membership details is important for holding onto the customer base that you have whilst also encouraging them to recommend you to others. You’ll feel better knowing that every member of staff will be able to treat your important visitors as they deserve.
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