There is no doubt that yoga classes help reduce the body’s stress responses through a unique combination of
pranayama techniques for breathwork, asanas and meditation techniques. Studies show that yoga improves your energy overall, whether you experience generalized fatigue or fatigue resulting from anxiety. Even one yoga class a week has a measurable impact on energy, while those taking 2-3 classes per week over at least two years experience significantly less fatigue and anxiety that those who don’t take yoga. If you’re experiencing fatigue, anxiety or both, it’s clear that yoga can help.
Yoga Teaches Relaxation Techniques
Yoga helps you
learn to relax your body and your mind, reducing anxiety and combating fatigue. Students learn to use their breath and poses to address specific issues. They may also discover that their overall practice is helpful for the reduction of exhaustion and anxiety.
Because yoga teaches you how to calm your body in times of increased stress—whether physical or mental—you’ll learn how to self-soothe in the times you need it most. Through yoga techniques, you can learn to lower your heart rate, reduce your blood pressure and slow your breathing, as well as learning how to incorporate energizing work when you need it.
Yoga helps you learn to control the way your body and mind work rather than the other way around.
So, where should I start?
While practicing yoga and pranayama, in general, is likely to be helpful, begin by learning about which poses and breathing exercises combat anxiety and fatigue. Slower, restorative yoga classes and poses are often extremely helpful in reducing anxiety and, though it may seem counterintuitive, they also help with fatigue.
Beginning with a slower, more introspective practice soothes your mind and body and gives you the skills you need to calm yourself when anxiety and fatigue arise in regular life. Practicing some beginner-level yoga postures may be a good place to start! Or there are many
yoga videos for beginners that you can practice to.
Which Yoga Poses Help with Anxiety and Fatigue?
If you’re experiencing anxiety or fatigue, begin with Savasana and work on relaxing your body entirely. Allow the floor to hold you up and feel your breath moving through your body. Follow with Child’s Pose to help calm the mind and slowly stretch your hips, thighs, and ankles, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. You can also try poses like Viparita Karani, resting your legs against the wall perpendicular to the floor while your back is flat on your organic yoga mat made of cork, arms to your sides. Or try Supta Baddha Konasana, where you lay on your mat with the soles of your feet together allowing your knees to fall to the sides with arms relaxed at your sides. All of these stress-relieving poses give you the opportunity to work on your breath while opening your body to release stress and allow positive energy to flow through you.
Many students find guidance from their yoga instructors to be profoundly effective in helping them find the poses and breath work that works best for them. Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for direction in helping address your anxiety or fatigue. Look for workshops at your local studio for an in-depth opportunity to learn how to use yoga to address stress and exhaustion in your life.