Kratom is a tropical tree native to
Southeast Asia. Botanical name of kratom is Mitragyna Speciosa. Leaves of
kratom tress are used for medicinal purposes as the leaves contain compounds
that can have psychotropic or mind altering effects on the consumer.
grows in Central and Southern Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, and few
other places. Kratom leaves that are usually broad and green in color are
plucked by hand, dried in broad daylight and then they are consumed either by
brewing as tea or pulverized and swallowed with water.
Kratom is an
evergreen tree in the coffee family. For centuries, kratom has been used as
psycho-stimulant. Psycho-stimulant are drugs that are used for temporary
increase in mental alertness, concentration and physical energy. Some common
examples of psycho-stimulants are caffeine, nicotine, methamphetamine
etc. Kratom is also
known as
- Biak
- Kakuam
- Ketum
- Herbal
- Thom
- Ithang
Kratom is an herbal supplement
containing alkaloid compound called Mitragynine and 7-Hrdrozymitragynine.
Kratom is classified as a stimulant. These stimulating effects were used by low
class people like workers in Southeast Asia to gain energy for their work and
to be able to work for longer time to earn more money, limiting fatigue.
It is used as a stimulant with low dose, and as a sedative at high dose. It is
also a recreational drug, pain killer, medicine for diarrhea and treatment for
opiate addiction. According to many, kratom is also useful in treating
arthritis, restless legs syndrome and fibromyalgia.
Kratom can quickly relieve pain as
the kratom leaves contain analgesic properties and these relieve pain y quickly
throughout body by impacting the hormonal system. When the consumer chews
the leaves, serotonin and dopamine are released into the body and hence the
pain is alleviated. The leaves also contain alkaloids and theses alkaloids dull
the pain receptors in entire body. Consequently, kratom leaves are very
important as it is proved that these leaves contain opium-like or morphine like
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