Today, getting a personal loan is one of the best ways to avoid a financial emergency. With digital advancement, it has now become possible for one to get a personal loan to take care of financial situations in an easy way. Without running pillar to post, one can apply for a personal loan from the comfort of their home.
The application for a personal loan can be made from home using a personal loan app that can be downloaded from the iOS app store or Google Play store. Almost every financial institution in India today offers an online application process that makes it easy to apply and get quick disbursals.
Installing the application on the mobile phone makes it simple to access quick funds that allow you to address emergency financial situations efficiently. Read below the five reasons you should apply for a personal loan using personal loan apps.
What is a personal loan app?
A personal loan application is available on Google Playstore or iOS store, allowing you to apply for a personal loan easily. The application also allows you to upload documents and track your loan status conveniently. Not just this, you can also get the below details from personal loan apps:
- Principal Amount
- Interest Rate
- Value of EMIs
- Tenure of the loan
- Outstanding principal amount
- No. of EMIs outstanding
- Prepayment option and the amount you will be required to pay
- Prepayment fee
Reasons why you should install a personal loan app today:
Cater to emergency fund requirements: A personal loan app allows you to address emergency financial situations efficiently. When you run out of cash, the application makes it convenient for you to take care of emergency expenses by giving you money on the go. So, whether you require funds in case of a medical emergency or when you are holidaying in another country, the application makes it easy to take care of your urgent financial needs.
Helps you save time and effort: Personal loan apps make it easy to get instant access to funds, as the application process is easy and can be done from the comfort of your home. Traditional lenders require you to visit their offices, do the paperwork, and sign various documents only after processing your loan application. However, online lenders don’t require you to call any office as the process is simple and can be done online. The documents for the loan can also be uploaded online, thus making the process a cakewalk for you.
Safe and secure: If you are concerned about the security of your data when applying via personal loan apps, then you need to know that your data is 100% secure, as online lenders now use encryption technologies that secure your data.
No paperwork needed: Since the loan application process is digital, you don’t have to follow any lengthy documentation process. Simply uploading documents online in JPG or PDF format helps lenders assess your credit eligibility. All you have to do is upload one address proof, identity proof, and salary documents, and you are good to go. No paperwork ensures you save time and effort in arranging the papers.
Take care of different financial expenses: No matter what type of financial emergency you are stuck in, a personal loan app makes it easy to sail through it by offering you access to cash that can be utilized for any purpose. You can use the loan amount to pay off wedding expenses, renovate your house, pay education fees, travel, etc. a personal loan app thus makes it easy for you to cater to multiple expenses hassle-free.
Get all loan-related information on the go: Using a personal loan app helps you get all the loan-related details on the go; it gives loan-relatedness to cash. Get your EMI details, interest rate, foreclosure charges, loan tenure, and outstanding principal amount.
How to apply for a personal loan using a personal loan app?
- To get instant access to funds, do the following:
- Download an instant personal loan app like Upwards from Google Playstore
- Log in to the app using your Gmail or Facebook address
- Enter your personal and professional details
- Upload KYC documents
- Wait for approval
- On successful approval, submit additional details
- On submission of all the required details, get instant disbursal
Opting for a personal loan using a personal loan app is one of the convenient ways to get quick access to money. However, it is always advisable to check on the features of the loan before opting for it.