To build a log cabin from a kit sounds a little strange for some...they may have an image in mind of getting something to simply throw together perhaps too quickly for a quality build, and perhaps even may produce look-alike homes as though pressed from molds and spat out onto an assembly line conveyor belt.
In this article we will look at the pros and cons of building the "old way" and building from kits, and perhaps dispel the above-mentioned misconceptions.
First, let's take a look at how things are done in a non-kit fashion...
To build a residential log cabin from scratch, raw logs are purchased and trucked over to the construction site. The builders then measure out each log and cut them to length, as well as shape the connecting parts, one at a time in order to conform to the contours of the previously laid down logs before each successive log.
This consumes a great deal of time, as each log is shaped and fitted on the build at the construction site - everything must fit precisely together.
As construction continues, and as things are shaped to fit on the go, often design changes need to be made due to the quality of the logs, miss-measurements that Bad weather conditions, ordering more supplies as needed, as well as other delays also make what would otherwise take months, take perhaps more than a year to complete.
To buy a log cabin visit, and has many benefits to
log cabin Dublin, there are the three most important ones;
1 - Better Quality of Construction...
Individual logs are kiln-seasoned, pre-milled, pre-cut and pre-shaped to exact specifications, all in a factory type setting. Structures are created to conform to most any floor plans and configurations, and are pre-assembled in the factory to guarantee a perfect fit.
From there, they are disassembled and packaged to be sent off to the construction site, each individual piece being numbered in the order of construction for quickness and ease.
2 - Speed of Construction...
To build a
small log cabin straight from the package of a kit, all of the measuring, cutting and shaping has already been done for you. As each piece is numbered in the order of putting it all together, construction is a breeze.
What would have taken most of (or more than) a year to complete, now only needs to take a few short weeks before everything is accomplished and you can move right in.
3 - Cost-Effectiveness...
Being that each and every individual log is pre-milled and prepared in an assembly line fashion within the factory, not only are you getting far better quality, pre-kiln-seasoned logs that will require virtually no maintenance at all throughout the years, the per-log cost is inordinately low. This has made using log homes kits the most phenomenally inexpensive route to take in order to own your very own log cabin home.
In order to get the best kits, you first need to check what is included in them. Most kits come in complete packages with all the logs pre-numbered and pre-cut and may also include roofing materials, windows, doors, interior partitions, railings, stairs and garage doors.
In order to get the best kits, you first need to check what is included in them.
Most kits come in complete packages with all the logs pre-numbered and pre-cut and may also include roofing materials, windows, doors, interior partitions, railings, stairs and garage doors.