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Hemp Oil vs. CBD Oil: Are They Safe To Use?

Hemp Oil vs. CBD Oil

With the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, the cultivation and use of industrialized hemp plants have grown rapidly, which results in increased production of hemp oil and CBD oil. But are these hemp plant extracts safe to use? What are the differences between the two? 

In this post, you'll learn more about hemp oil and CBD oil, including their origin and safe use. Visit for more information.

Hemp Oil and CBD Oil Come from Hemp

Hemp oil and CBD oil may come from hemp plants but in different parts of the plant. While hemp CBD is usually extracted from hemp seeds, CBD oil is extracted, usually through decarboxylation, from the hemp flowers, leaves, and other plant parts. 

Remember that hemp oil is not CBD. It is because hemp oil doesn't contain cannabidiol or CBD. Hemp is marketed as a supplement, and so as CBD oil, which is generally safe to consume. CBD oil, on the other hand, is not cannabis because THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is less than 0.3 percent, which is only a trace amount. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC refers to the psychoactive component of cannabis products that causes "high." That's why CBD oil is considered safe.

Hemp Oil and CBD Oil Have Different THC Levels

According to TSA, a product is considered as a cannabis product, which is still illegal at the federal level if it has a THC content of over 0.3 percent. Hemp oil and CBD oil, although extracted from the same plant, have varying THC levels. While cannabis plants contain about 15 to 20percent THC, hemp plants don't contain significant THC content levels. That's why hemp oil is popular as a food supplement for acute pain treatment and stress relief. 

On the other hand, CBD oil contains 0.3 percent or less THC. Because CBD oil has high CBD and low THC, it's usually used in treating chronic medical conditions, such as epilepsy, insomnia, and anxiety, making CBD oil a more effective supplement for long-term treatment. 

Hemp Oil and CBD Oil Have Varying CBD Levels

Hemp oil obtained from hemp seeds contain only a trace amount of CBD or zero CBD. While hemp oil is most-sought for its antioxidant effects, CBD oil usually purchased because of its therapeutic effects. Cannabidiol is an active cannabinoid with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant effects. 

Hemp oil combats the body's harmful free radicals in the body. It contains fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6. However, hemp oil doesn't contain cannabinoids, like THC, CBD, or cannabinol or CBN. CBD oil, on the other hand, has up to 40 percent CBD and 0.3 percent and below THC levels. Both hemp oil and CBD oil are safe to consume, even with varying CBD levels. 

Hemp Oil and CBD Oil Aid in Effective Stress and Anxiety Management

Some clinical trials show that CBD oil is very effective in relieving chronic pain and combating stress and anxiety. Because CBD targets the body's cannabinoid receptors, it reduces the production of cortisol or stress hormone that causes pain and stress. Also, it increases serotonin and epinephrine, hormones responsible for “feeling good” or improved mood. 

Hemp Oil and CBD Oil Are Safe Pain Management Aids

Both hemp oil and CBD oil are known to help relieve pain without causing side effects like what over-the-counter pain medications do. In short, you won't need to worry about dizziness, stomach or gastric ulcer, nausea, or vomiting, which are common side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. 

Here are the good-to-know facts about CBD oil and pain management:

CBD oil is highly recommended if the pain is caused by inflammation because the high CBD content of CBD oil has healing anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. 
  • CBD oil won't mask the pain like hemp oil. It targets the root problem of the pain.
  • Choosing a full-spectrum CBD oil has more therapeutic benefits than hemp oil.
  • Hemp Oil and CBD Oil Can Be Safely Consumed in Different Ways
You can put a few drops of hemp oil or CBD oil under your tongue or via the sublingual route to benefit from the immediate effects of these supplements. Also, you can add them to your favorite dishes and drinks. 

hemp oil and CBD oil

One thing that hemp oil cannot be consumed is through vaping. CBD oil can be vaped. Because CBD oil is therapeutic in nature, CBD vape juices are now available. On the other hand, hemp is usually manufactured as skin preparations and cosmetic products, such as lotions, creams, salves, and balms.


Hemp oil and CBD oil might be different in so many ways, with regards to CBD, THC, and other cannabinoid content. But they are both effective in providing alternative options for people who are seeking ways to find a cure and help with their medical conditions, reducing unwanted signs and symptoms. 

CBD oil has more CBD and THC levels than hemp oil, making it more therapeutic and long-term aid for chronic conditions. On the other hand, hemp oil is highly recommended for acute treatment or as a dietary supplement to enhance health and well-being. 

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