We’d like to think that nothing wrong could or should ever happen to us, but unfortunately, that is never the case. Life has its way of throwing you curveballs, and it is up to you how to handle them, which is often easier said than done. One of the worst situations you could ever find yourself in is sustaining injuries after a car accident. Even if you are the most cautious driver out there, sometimes it’s the other guy’s fault. It can be quite traumatizing and an emotionally taxing experience to recover from. This is why you need to take certain steps if you sustained car accident injuries.
Document everything
While everything is definitely a bit hazy after a car crash, you need to have enough clarity and self-awareness to document everything. For starters, never run away from the scene of the accident. You then need to protect the scene at all costs and start documenting everything. Fortunately, we all have smartphones in our possession right now, so use them. Every detail in the location matters and you will want to take photos of the two cars, your injuries, the license plate of the other person, and any other details that might help your claim later on –– if you’re too hurt to do it, have a friend, or even a passerby, do it instead. You should do this after calling the police, naturally.
Gather relevant details
Let’s say you’ve suffered a concussion, or several bruises, after the accident. You obviously need to head to the emergency room as soon as possible, but not before gathering relevant details from the scene of the accident. For starters, you need the other person’s insurance details, their name, license plate and model of their vehicle, and any other relevant details. You should also get the names and phone numbers of nearby witnesses who might’ve seen the accident, and can testify as to who was at fault –– it might just win you the case if it ever goes to court. Last but not least, when the police officer comes by and writes a report of the incident, ask them to make you a copy.
Hire a lawyer
Your next step would be heading to the hospital directly to have yourself checked, but you also need to reach out to personal injury lawyers as soon as humanly possible. It can make quite a difference in your claim as they can start collecting evidence immediately. Trial lawyers in South Carolina explain on https://www.stewartlawoffices.net/, that sustaining injuries after an accident entails a lot of money paid in medical bills, and more importantly plenty of emotional, and physical suffering. This is why you need to hire attorneys who specialize in cases like these so they can get you fair compensation for your suffering.
Reach out to the insurance company
You will also need to reach out to your insurance company as soon as possible. They will let you know exactly what they need in order to start processing your claim, and more importantly, they’ll start working on determining who was at fault. In cases where serious injuries are involved, things can get quite complicated, and insurers would definitely try to minimize any payments you are meant to get. This is why you need a professional accident attorney handling your case.
Discuss your options
You will need to sit down with your lawyer to discuss your options when it comes to compensation. Generally speaking, one of the most important reasons why you need someone who has worked on such cases before is, because they’d be able to tell you whether or not to settle with the insurance company. Most often, you’ll be offered pennies to settle, and an experienced lawyer would advise you against accepting that, and recommend taking matters to court. It’s important that you don’t settle for the first offer you get, because it most likely won’t be a fair one.
Take your time
You need to slow down before assessing the damages you want to get compensation for. For instance, medical bills tend to increase over time, and you might find that you sustained an injury that will take longer to manifest or treat. This is why you need to be careful with your assessment of the required compensation until you are certain that you have the full report.
It definitely is a rough experience to go through, and it can be quite overwhelming. But with some composure, and outside help, you can make the most out of this car accident and ensure you get your rights. Remember, to go for experienced lawyers who have dealt with car claims before, because they can guide you through the entire process.