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Safety Practices at Workplace


There is an increasing number of incidents reported every day, and it seems that negligence is the mother of all causes. Sometimes minor issues are overlooked, but some of these practices seem to become an invitation for major accidents.

In this blog post, we reveal some of the most tried and tested solutions and best practices applied globally. You can follow these steps in your organization and up your game.

Communication Is Essential

A communication gap can be lethal when it comes to critical messages not being transferred to responsible personnel. There can be many interventions, such as installing gas detection products, which can sense early signs of toxic and flammable hazards. Such installations can be lifesaving devices.

It is imperative to make sure the ongoing surveillance is in sync with rescue operators so that they respond and arrive at the earliest.

An in-house emergency response unit is also the need of the hour along with permanent paramedics for first aid for industries located outside the urban areas. They can significantly impact the nature of the calamity cater to injuries and boost morale in many cases.

Safety First Is Safety Must

There is no debate, and safety always starts with you. You should make it mandatory for workers to wear protective gear according to the tasks. We cannot predict an accident, neither its day, time, or date. But we can take the necessary measures to avoid the chances of offering a safe place for people to work. If you work in a garage, for example, make sure you have the best extinguishers for cars, should fire ever break out. Whatever business you have, you should always make sure there are sufficient extinguishers in the building. In addition, you should always make sure that the workforce has enough safety goggles, gloves, hard hats, etc, if this is necessary, to reduce any chance or the risk for injuries during work or on the premises. You also need to make sure that the workers know how to wear the gear appropriately.

Celebrate The Messenger

Sometimes, the level of commitment you get from a few of the workers is marvellous. They have an eye for detail and keep a check at the ground level. They are the whistleblowers, and you should always encourage and appreciate them.

Nothing is complete without teamwork. The cooperation from the workers is an assurance that safety hazards and concerns are identified to the concerned departments and immediately resolved. The job is to be proactive and always be on the lookout for leakages, smoke, alarm, or detection of the minutia of concern. Many employees probably hesitate in reporting such alarming situations and are afraid of retaliation or other consequences. But you need to rectify this mindset and reward yourself for saving in times of distress.

Invest In The Best Tools & Equipment

Make hay while the sun shines. The idiom is perfect for industrial settings and their safety matters. We understand that the lower quality material often breaks and has a higher ratio for wear and tear. Instead of instantly replacing the damaged part, we linger on and allow the machines to continue, knowing the risks attached to hazardous malfunctions. It is imperative to procure the best tools for the job. It goes for PPE (personal protective equipment), as well. It will give the idea that you not only care about your machines but their health and safety equally too.

Training Is Not An Expense, But An Investment

Behind the occupational health and safety forces, white card training of employees is a fundamental necessity. Be it technical skills or soft skills. The training is crucial for the workforce to know how to perform their tasks.

Some organizations believe that training and coaching is only a one-time practice.

It should also be mandatory for the recruits to undergo training for a few weeks before they put their hands on the machines.

Let Sanity Prevail

Workers influenced by alcohol or drugs caused almost 3 percent of the workplace fatalities. The statistics presented, by the U.S. Department of Labor, states that 65 percent of on-job accidents occurred while workers were using alcohol or drugs. You should notify immediately if your co-worker is using drugs or drinking alcohol at the workplace.

It’s A Wrap

Safety matters the most. It is superior to your inventory controls, financial planning, and business developments. It is as crucial as anything because taking care of their health and safety means you're retaining your economic engines. After all, resources because they are your economic engine.

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