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Qualities That Define Great Leadership

Define Great Leadership

According to statistics, nearly half of employees don’t trust management. This could be risky as employees are an organization's backbone. There is also the challenge of catering to a generation of millennials who currently form more than half of the labor force. Good leadership will require courage to deal with the challenges head-on.

A millennial is likely to change jobs more than four times before they reach the age of 32. This could be a result of the job conditions. They need to feel empowered in their current jobs, which requires improvement with the current leadership crop. Many companies choose to hire keynote speaker on leadership online to make sure they reach all employees wherever they are. Some essential qualities make a great leader, and we will highlight some of them here.


A great leader will exhibit integrity at all times. It doesn’t matter if they’re giving compliments or facing a problem; a good leader will always ensure they do what is right. When employees see that a leader lacks integrity, recovering from such a predicament will be almost impossible.

Great Communication

Part of being a good leader involves a lot of listening. You won’t only be communicating instructions, but it is also essential to get feedback. Your work as a leader motivates, disciplines, and instructs. It will be hard to discharge such duties without clear communication. Poor communication will also result in a poor outcome, which will be to the organization's detriment.


Loyalty is reciprocal, and the best leaders remain true to their word. Commitment should not only be tangible but also beneficial to the members of the team. As a leader, you must ensure that all members are adequately equipped to do their job. You must also stand up with your team in times of trouble and crisis. Employees who believe the leader is loyal are likelier to reciprocate when it matters most.


There is more to making decisions because of a leadership role. A great leader will be willing to take the risk of decision-making. They accept responsibility for their actions and will not start to point fingers when something doesn’t go according to plan. A leader who isn’t decisive when it matters will not likely be practical when dispensing their duty.

Managerial Competence

Being good at a job doesn’t necessarily make you a good leader. This is a mistake that a lot of organizations make. A good leader should also be a good manager. This means they thoroughly understand the company’s products and processes. A good example is football. The most successful players don’t end up making good coaches.


Great leaders are visionaries and have the faith that they train and develop the team working under them. They can lead from the front, and that is by inspiring those that they teach. An empowered workforce is likelier to be productive and make decisions in the organization's best interest.

Sincere Enthusiasm

A leader might be enthusiastic, but it might not be coming from the heart. It will be hard to keep up such fake enthusiasm because there will always be challenges in any leadership setting. It will be hard to fake a genuine spirit when you’re not interested in the business. When a leader is genuinely enthusiastic, there is likely to be a trickle-down effect. A leader can identify problems in the company and the industry at large.


A great leader will not only be accountable for the team's successes but the failures as well. A good leader will take more blame for the failures than the successes. He or she will be responsible for their actions.


Empathy is the ability to understand what others are going through. It involves a lot more than being friendly to your team members. Being empathetic will lead to better decision-making. You also improve strategies that will be for the betterment of the organization.


It will be tempting to be big-headed because of a new title. A great leader understands that being humble, especially in the face of challenges, is crucial to their success. They will focus more on team dynamics and problem-solving rather than promotion. Humility makes us real, while pride, often displayed by a toxic manager, has the opposite effect. Humble leaders are more resilient in the face of challenges than those boastful of their achievements. To become a great leader, you can click here for more information. 

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