If you love to spend your free time by watching movies, TV shows and other exclusive contents on streaming platforms such as Netflix, HBO, Hulu etc. then you must have heard about the latest competitor in the market i.e. Disney+. Previously, many experts of the industry had claimed that the launch of the Disney+ will affect the number of subscribers of these popular online streamers. But the fact is that none of these services have found any issues with their subscribers.
Apparently, Disney+ has not had a negative impact on all these online streaming platforms. They are there as they have been, and people are still enjoying watching their favorite videos and movies on those platforms.
It’s been three weeks since Disney+ service launched for the public. Within a span of three weeks, the major online streamers didn’t see any negative impact which is a good thing for them. However, the service has launched just three weeks ago and in such a short period, we couldn’t actually figure out the impact of it on other streamers.
Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video and almost all the online video streaming platforms offer different types of subscription plans at reasonable rates to their consumers. We will see the real impact of Disney+ once the subscribers decide to shift their favorite platform once their existing subscription plans end.
If we talk more about the popularity of the new Disney+ platform, then as per the reports, the Disney+ for Android and iOS has crossed the mark of 15.5 Million downloads within three weeks. Yes, the mobile app of the Disney+ platform downloaded by 15.5 Million users from which more than 85% of the downloads are from the US only. Additionally, over 30% of the mobile users use popular movie apps that are free to stream their favorite movies on Android and iOS platforms, so the competition in the mobile platform is also very high.
Since its official launch, Disney+ is an overall free-to-download app on both the platforms I.e. on App Store and Google Play. Reports also claim that people are enjoying the new streaming platform as more than 25 million sessions done daily by the users.
Apparently, there is no changes found in the userbase of the Netflix and other streaming platforms. They are doing well as it is and there’s no change in the number of their subscribers even after the launch of Disney+ which is already crossed the 25 Million marks in 13 days of period.
Netflix offers a variety of contents from Disney, Marvel, Pixar and many other big productions which have been removed by Disney for this separate platform. Some of the contracts will be ended in the year 2021. So, most of the popular movie series and web series produced by these major platforms will be removed from the Netflix platform which is currently on the top of the list.
Analytics also claim that it is still the initial stage for any new entry in the competitive market and this is not the right time to decide the actual impact of the new service on the existing and dominant platforms like Netflix. We will have to wait for a few months to see the real impact of Disney+ on Netflix and all the other online streaming platforms.
Many of the Marvel and Disney fans will definitely leave the existing services offered by Netflix once their subscription plan ends, but there are some people who will add Disney+ service along with Netflix as well.
Online Video Streaming Platforms are getting more and more popular day by day as they are backed by popular investors who invest millions of dollars in the production of new and fresh contents for these platforms. Disney+ will also add regular fresh contents and new movies to the platform for its subscribers. Time will tell us who is the real game-changer in the industry!