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Common Parasites Everyone Needs To Be Aware Of

Common Parasites

If there’s one thing that many doctors ridicule, then it’s whenever a patient visits them and starts suggesting that they’re suffering from a parasitic infection. Either they’ll brush aside your concerns and give you a different diagnosis, or they’ll suggest that you’re suffering from a Parasitic Delusion Disorder, in which case your prescription will be to stop looking up your symptoms on the internet.

On the other hand, other physicians are up-to-date with the statistics. They realize how even if you’re living in a developed country, the chances of getting a parasitic infection are alarmingly high. Two of these physicians are Dr. Todd Watts and Dr. Jay Davidson, who wrote an article named Parasites: Types, Symptoms, Tests, and Treatment that describes the incidents of parasitic infections in more detail. Following their informative explanation, other doctors can offer the correct diagnosis and follow-up — pinpointing the real culprit behind your IBS or autoimmune symptoms.

Parasitic infections can be much more common than anyone would expect. Here’s a list of the most common parasitic infections in developed and developing countries.

Giardia intestinalis

Affecting both developed and developing countries at large, Giardia intestinalis results in diarrhoea. It also interferes with the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients like fats and carbohydrates. It can be transmitted by contacting an infected patient or directly ingesting contaminated food or water. 

Entamoeba histolytica

With an estimated 50 million people infected with amoebiasis, 55,000 of which die every year, Entamoeba histolytica is another widely prevailing parasite in all countries. In fact, amoebiasis is the third leading cause of death worldwide. It’s transmitted mainly by ingesting fecal-contaminated food and water, the result of poor hygiene. The infected person can suffer from diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, bloody stools, appetite loss, and fatigue.

Cyclospora cayetanensis

In recent years, we have witnessed several outbreaks of cyclosporiasis resulting from a Cyclospora cayetanensis infection. This infection is transmitted through ingesting contaminated food and drinks. It results in explosive episodes of diarrhoea accompanied by loss of appetite, weight loss, cramps, increased gas and bloating, nausea, and fatigue. 

Cryptosporidium spp

As it’s becoming more prevalent in both developed and developing countries, Cyslospora cayetanensis specifically targets AIDS patients and children less than 5 years of age more than others. It also affects the intestinal tract, but it can also affect the lungs of the infected patients. As a result, its symptoms can range from diarrhoea to more severe symptoms in immunocompromised patients, such as malabsorption of nutrients and muscle wasting. Such symptoms can be fatal for these patients. Cryptosporidium can be carried by many animal hosts, as well as human hosts. It’s transmitted by ingesting contaminated food and water, too.

Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii is another leading cause of death in many individuals. This parasite targets the central nervous system, and it can enter the body by eating undercooked meat or by handling an infected cat's litter. While it’s primarily asymptomatic in most people, others fail to create antibodies against it, which can cause many problems for people with ocular diseases or compromised immune systems. Even more significantly, it can get carried from an infected pregnant mother to her fetus, which is deadly for the unborn child.

Ascaris lumbricoides

Affecting over a billion in developing countries, Ascaris, known as the roundworm, still works at large. The primary mode of infection is through skin contact with infected soils and surfaces, but they can also be ingested. Afterwards, the eggs enter the host and take residence in their lungs, after which they find their way into the intestine. Once they’re in, they can result in symptoms ranging from abdominal discomfort to nausea, vomiting, wheezing, and fever. In some cases, their hosts can suddenly suffer from severe complications that result in death.

Trichuris trichiura

Also known as the whipworm, Trichuris infects over 795 million people worldwide, with a higher prevalence in developing countries. It targets the human intestine, taking residence and causing many intestinal symptoms. These symptoms include bloody diarrhoea, pain when defecating, sudden weight loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches, and an inability to control defecation at times. Individuals can get infected by touching contaminated soil or ingesting contaminated food. 

Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus

The two are hookworms, widely prevalent in developing countries with severe conditions. Together, they infect around 740 million patients and 80 million in severe conditions.

Ancylostoma duodenale can infect individuals through the skin and oral digestion and can even pass to the fetuses of infected pregnant women. Necator americanus, the New World hookworm, can infect humans through their skin when exposed to contaminated soil, faeces, or surfaces. It then takes residence in their small intestines.

Their symptoms can remain asymptomatic, making their patients oblivious to their existence. However, if they do strike, they strike terribly. The symptoms can range from internal blood loss through intestinal walls and anaemia to malnutrition, all of which can be fatal.

Trichomonas viginalis

Trichomonas viginalis causes one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases known as Trichomoniasis. Most people can have this infection and not realize it’s there, as it’s mainly asymptomatic. However, it can show some symptoms, which can be manifested as a vaginal discharge colour or an unpleasant smell, vaginal bleeding or spotting, vaginal burning on urinating, redness or swelling in the genitals, increased frequency in need to urinate, or pain during intercourse. Some research also indicates that it can result in premature labour or delivering infants with low body weight.

While not every infection presenting as diarrhoea will be because of a parasite, parasitic infections are much more common than we’ve thought. It certainly doesn’t help that most physicians discard their patients' concerns regarding the possibility. Many parasites are prevalent in both developed and developing countries, and proper measures should be taken to spot the cause early on, examine the symptoms, perform the most accurate diagnostic tests, and give the correct treatment.

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