I’ve never done a round-up of the blogs I read before, which I guess is a bit selfish. So, in no particular order (and this isn’t a complete list) some of my favorite blogs, if you’re looking for some inspiration.
Dark SEO Programming is run by Harry. As he puts it, “SEO Tools. I make ’em”. A great guy if you need to help with coding and somewhat of a captcha guru, with a sense of humor. Definitely worth keeping up with. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy starts making big Google waves in the next few years.
Ask Apache is a blog I absolutely love. Great, detailed tutorials on script optimization, advanced SEO and mod_rewrite. AskApache’s blog posts are the kind of ones that live in your bookmarks, rather than your RSS Reader.
Andrew Girdwood is a great chap from BigMouthMedia I met last year (although I very much doubt he remembers that). Andrew seems to be a vigilante web bug hunter. What I like about his blog is that he is usually the first to find weird things with Google that is going down. This usually gets my brain rolling in the right direction of my next nefarious plan. ^_^
Blackhat SEO Blog run by the business is always worth checking out. He was even kind enough to give me a pre-release copy of the YACG mass installer to review (it’s coming soon – I’m still playing!). Apart from his excellent tools, his blog features the darker side of link building, which of course, interests me greatly.
Koshy is a blog run by a guy I know, who.. Well I think he wants to remain anonymous (at least a little). He’s just getting started again after closing down his last blog and moving Internet personas (doesn’t the mystery just rivet you?). Anyway, get in early, I think we can expect some good stuff from here. He’s already done a cool post on Pimpin’ Duplicate Content For Links.
Jon Waraas is run by. Can you guess? Jon has something that a lot of even really smart Internet entrepreneurs are missing, good old fashioned elbow grease. This guy is a workaholic and it pays off in a big way. Apart from time-saving posts on loads of different ways to monetize your site, build backlinks and flush out your competitors I get quite a lot of inspiration for his constant stream of effort and ideas. I can definitely take a leaf out of his work ethic book.
Blue Hat SEO
is becoming one of the usual suspects really. If you are here, you probably already know about Eli. Being part of my “let’s only do a post every few months club”, I love Eli’s blog because there is absolutely no fluff. He gets straight down to the business of overthrowing Wikipedia, exploiting social media and answering specific SEO questions. You’ll struggle to find higher quality out there.
SEO Book is probably the most “famous” blog I’m going to mention here. Aaron was off at a disadvantage, because to be honest, I thought he was a massive waste of space for quite a while. (I guess that’s what can happen when you take your SEO youth on Sitepoint listening to the people with xx, xxx posts on there). I bought his SEO Book and for me, at least, it was way too fluffy. I’m pleased he’s started an SEO training service now as it represents much better value. I’m sure he was making a lot of money from his SEO Book, but perhaps milked it too long (like I probably would have). Anyway, I kept with his blog and I’ve been impressed with his attitude and posts. He’s done some really cool stuff, like the SEO Mindmap and more recently, a keyword strategy flowchart which would be useful for those looking to a more structured search approach. He’s also written about algorithm weightings for different types of keywords and of course has some useful SEO Tools.
Slightly Shady SEO – Great name, great blog. Although XMCP will probably take it as an insult, I’ve always regarded Slightly Shady as the blog most similar to mine on this list. Maybe it’s because I wish I would written some of the posts he has, .Then Again, a No BS approach to effective SEO, whether he’s writing about Google’s User Data Empire, hiding from it or site automation it’s all gravy.
The Google Cache is a great blog for analytical approaches to SEO. There are some awesome posts on Advanced Whitehat SEO and using proxies with search position trackers. I like.
SEOcracy is run by a lovely database overlord called Rob. Rob’s a cool guy, he was kind enough to donate some databases to include in the Digerati Blackbox a while back. Most of his databases are stashed away in his content clubnow, which is well worth a look in. He’s also done some enlightening posts on keyword research, stuffing website inputsand Google Hacking.
This is all I’ve got time for now, apologies if I’ve missed you. There may be a Part II in the near future.