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Steps To A Successful Move With Kids

Successful Move With Kids

Moving Is Emotional

Emotional upsets are the main reasons why many kids have trouble with moving. Moving is a stress-filled experience for adults and it is the same for our kids. Kids are just that, kids, they are growing emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Moving encroaches in on their moody personalities, they can be somewhat withdrawn, and their lives which they believe is filled with anxiety.

If moving is a result of a divorce, a business move or a military deployment, moving in their minds represents a negative emotion. It represents a feeling of loss. The loss of friends, the loss of schoolmates, the loss of neighbors, and so much more.

Psychologists inform parents that moving for kids greatly affects their self-esteem, their ability to see themselves in a positive light, and naturally their sense of separation.

Hopefully, your move allows you time to remain calm thus giving your child a peaceful change address experience. If possible, the best time to move with kids is when school is out on recess so that scheduling all you must accomplish is less disruptive for your child.

Not to sound so morbid about moving but you can help your kids with their lives becoming an upheaval of confusion. Changing addresses can be an opportunity to see things in a positive light for both the parents and the children if handled properly.

Steps For A Kid’s Successful Move

It is important to make your children a part of the changing address discussion. Kids understand more than what we give them credit for. Kids cleverly hear conversations taking place even when we don’t think that they do. Have a family meeting and tell them about why you must move and where you are moving to.

Talking to children about moving should be centered around what is of interest to them and what would help motivate their needs. Start with leaving their friends. Let the kids know that they can stay in touch with their friends or nearby family members via modern-day technology devices.

If your child[ren] are elementary school age, here are some suggestions that have proven successful from parents who failed and then succeeded. At this age, keeping a normal routine is important to them. When preparing to move, don’t change their dinner or bedtime schedule. It may require a little more effort, but it is all about the kids.

Invite your kids to ask questions about moving and give them a loving and honest answer that they will comprehend and feel comfortable about. If they have questions about how their new home looks, you can easily answer with a couple of different ideas. If your new home is within a car drive, pack your car with their favorite foods and entertaining toys to take them to their new neighborhood.

If your new location is too far away, then plan to make a video. Make a video of the new house, the new neighborhood, and other things that are of interest to the kids. Get the kids excited about moving to their new neighborhood by pointing out how they can become involved in whatever their interests are.

Moving From The Old Neighborhood

Now, let’s address the how we can make leaving a neighborhood that they have known most of the life, as a pleasant experience and not one of depression. To help give parents insight into helping their kids with the thought of disrupting their fragile lives, read them a story at bedtime. Go to your current library location and depending on the age of the child[ren], take out a book about how to guide your kids through the process.

For example, there is a popular Berenstain Bear book entitled “Moving Day” and a book entitled “Who Will Be My Friends,” written by Syd Hoff. Both books help to start a discussion between parents and children. The books let kids know that moving will ease their fears and that the move will be an adjustment but it will turn out okay.

Moving as a stressful event for children has inspired many parents to write books about this incidence. Your local library should have a special section about moving which would be very informative for parents and mentally help the children make a connection to moving to a new community.

Planning Goodbye and Hello

It is important for children to say goodbye in a positive environment. Therefore, show your kids how to operate a camera and have them take photos of people and things that mean a lot to them. Create a scrapbook all of their own. Also, take the kids to a special celebratory dinner with their closest friends and family to say goodbye.

Perhaps you can choose a restaurant that features games for kids so that they can see that this isn’t goodbye as much as it is just fun in the old community. Ensure your child that when you get to your new community, that you will also take them out to a fun place and who knows, you may meet some new friends.

Also, as you are driving your child[ren] to their new changing address, point out sites of interest to them. Show them parks, playgrounds, their new school, and more. Walk around the new neighborhood and introduce the new grocery store, the new library, and fun places that gives the kids a sense of meaning and comfort.

If your kids are younger than elementary school age, they will not be as affected emotionally as an older child. The only thing to remember is that a routine is also very important to this age group.

They can feel stress from the parents which in turn affects them. Yes, moving requires taking care of a number of worrisome problems, but when it comes to our kids, parents must keep their meal and bedtime routine the same.

Packing To Move

In preparing to move out of your old house, kids can be a part of this activity also. This is a great time to ask them to clean and pack up their room. Assure them they don’t have to throw away their favorite toys.

Instead, let them know that they can give away toys that they have not played with for several years. Inform the kids that the clothes or toys that they no longer want or need can be given away to friends or kids who would benefit from receiving these items.

If your children are old enough, let them help with packing their toys and clothes. No, it doesn’t have to be perfect because the idea is to help them feel “grownup” to take responsibility for helping mommy and daddy move.

Even younger kids can go through their toys and carefully place them in a box. One parent suggests that when your child has filled up a moving box that you present them with a new toy as a surprise and to thank them for their help. Chances are they will want to help you pack much more!

New Home Sweet Home

When you arrive at your home location, conduct a house tour to let them become familiar with the layout of their new home. Talk to them about how they fit into the new home with decorating their room, playing in the backyard with new play equipment, etc.

As nighttime falls, don’t be surprised if your child wants to sleep in the same room with you. This is perfectly normal until they get used to the new house. The steps to a successful move with kids are to talk to them lovingly and reassuring.

Also, keep them involved and make sure they know that you are always there for them. Let the kids feel that they are also an important team member when the family is moving.

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