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Reasons Why You Could Be Denied Bail

Denied Bail

There is a high chance you’ve been arrested or know someone who has. There is no shame in being arrested. There are different circumstances that could lead to troubles with the law. Once you’ve been processed, you wouldn’t want to spend another minute in jail. The court will usually set a bail bond amount that you’re supposed to pay that will secure your release. There are occasions that you or a loved one could be denied bail and we’re going to cover some of them here.

You’ve Been Accused of a Serious Crime

Even though you have the right to bail, there are some situations where the court could deny you the right, especially if you’ve been accused of a serious crime. A judge is likely to deny you bail if you’ve been accused of murder, kidnapping, or rape. Even if you’re granted bail, it could be an unreasonable amount and you will be better off behind bars awaiting trial. If there is evidence proving that you might have been accused falsely, the judge could lower the bail amount.

You’re Considered a Flight Risk

The court could also deny you bail if they think you might disappear after you’ve been released. The reason why a bail bond is set in the first place is so that you can commit to appearing in court in a future date. A judge will carefully analyze your past cases to determine if you’re a flight risk. If you have a history of skipping court appearances, the judge will have all the right to deny you bail. A judge will want to avoid the situation of releasing someone only to issue a directive for the police to look for that person because of skipping court.

You’re Believed To Be a Threat To Society

No amount of bail can be compared to the safety of society. The ideal scenario will be to be granted bail and you’re expected to stay at home until the hearing of the case. This doesn’t always happen. In some situations, a person could be released only to cause more harm. Such a person is better incarcerated for the sanity of society. There is a high likelihood that the person would be a repeat offender and issuing bail will not be in the best interest of society. This brings us to our next point.

You’re a Repeat Offender

If you’ve committed offenses in the past, there is a chance that you could be denied bail. You might be on parole because of a crime you committed earlier. Giving such a person bail won’t reflect well on the judge and they won’t have any option but to deny bail under such circumstances.

You’re Disrespectful to the Judge

You might be a first-time offender getting a bail bondsman but things go wrong because you’re disrespectful to the judge. It could be something as silly as yelling when you’re trying to address the judge. When you’ve been denied bail, it means you’ll have to be in jail until the day of the hearing. That is why it is important to be calm when dealing with the law. A judge might change their mind down the line. It is good to get in touch with an attorney in case you find yourself in trouble with the law. This will reduce the chance of not getting bail for your case.

You’re Mentally Impaired

This can be tricky to determine given the different variables involved. A judge could deny someone bail if they suspect that they’re mentally impaired. A judge will often ask for a mental evaluation in case they suspect the accused could be mentally impaired. If it is a loved one, make sure to provide the court with the necessary details in case of mental illness.

What do you do When a Denied Bail?

We’ve covered the different reasons why you or a loved one could be denied bail if you’ve been accused of a crime. The first thing you should be doing is to get in touch with an attorney. A good lawyer will ensure that you’re getting out of jail so that you can prepare for your defense. They can also help in making sure that the bail bond amount is reduced.

To conclude, all hope is not lost in case you’ve been denied bail. Make that you’re working with an experienced attorney who will work tirelessly to ensure your release. Don’t miss appearing in court as you will only be making things harder should you find yourself in trouble with the law in the future.

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