Healthy and glowing skin is a worldwide aspiration, but not everyone does what it takes to maintain or better it. Your skin is a delicate organ that is the most exposed to pollution and dust, thus, can easily be affected if not taken care of properly. It can increase the signs of ageing and wrinkles as you age. If you are worried about getting these ageing lines and wrinkles earlier than expected, there are a few procedures to help with skin rejuvenation and give it new life. Natural aging cannot be prevented, but skin aging due to environmental factors and improper skin care can be. You can visit TWELV MAGAZINE to learn about the best options in this regard.
Of course, there are natural ways of taking care of your skin, such as wearing sunscreen regularly, drinking lots of water, consuming a balanced diet, regular exercise, cleansing and moisturizing, and many others. But at times, you need to go beyond these steps to remedy the existing skin damage and to be able to obtain the youthful complexion that you desire. If you are not a fan of surgical procedures, there are a lot of non-surgical ones that you can explore, which are extremely effective.
Here are some preventive measures that you can try to minimize skin ageing issues:
Chemical Peels
A certain type of chemical is applied to your skin, which penetrates within the layers to peel them away. After the chemical solution is dabbed on your skin, it is left for a certain amount of period, which infiltrates your skin and peels off the layers. This results in younger and brighter looking skin that surfaces from beneath your skin’s damaged outer layers. You can contact any top-grade dermatologist in your city to undergo this treatment. This procedure requires a few sessions for the results to start showing.
Depending on the signs of ageing and the level of damage you have, your dermatologist will recommend whether you need a light chemical peel or a deep peel. The light peel is used to take off the first layer of skin, called the epidermis, and the deep chemical peel is used to take off the epidermis and the second layer of skin, the dermis. Chemical peels can help in gaining an even complexion, remove fine lines and wrinkles, and tighten the skin.
As the name suggests, a tool with multiple small needles is injected into your skin. These microneedles create multiple punctures in your skin, which in turn causes your skin to produce collagen to “heal” the punctures on your skin. This is to enable the growth of new skin cells. As the elastin is regenerated, your skin tightens and looks younger as it eliminates the visible lines. In one article at, beauticians highly recommend undergoing this treatment because not only is it quicker, but it is also safer than the other procedures and does not require multiple sittings. It can also eliminate acne and get rid of hyperpigmentation. It smoothens your skin and gives it an even texture.
This procedure is a type of exfoliation of the skin, using a mechanical instrument. It creates abrasions on the skin, exfoliating it thoroughly. The skin is then vacuumed to take away the damaged outer layer. The treatment is also carried out by applying sprays of textured particles, which can also exfoliate the skin.
Microdermabrasion is a more delicate version of dermabrasion, which is gentler on your skin. It can also be carried out within one sitting and usually has no side effects. This procedure is beneficial to eliminate the visibility of crow’s feet, spots, lines, scars, wrinkles and evens out the texture and complexion of your skin. After a microdermabrasion session, there are a few preventive measures to keep in mind, including staying out of the sun for a certain period of time due to the fragility of your newly rejuvenated skin and preventing any infection.
Intense Pulse Light
As the name suggests, this procedure uses light to treat your skin. It is also known by other names such as photo rejuvenation, broadband light or photo facial. Wavelengths of light frequencies are emitted on the skin surface at periodic intervals of time. Usage of light, particularly eliminates spots and hyperpigmentation, hence brightening your complexion. The light emitted absorbs the darker colours on the skin surface, and it produces collagen, which removes hyperpigmentation and makes your skin tighter. It is completely harmless and painless and is gaining more traction recently due to its amazing results. Consult your dermatologist now to undergo this highly effective skin treatment.
Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatments
Lasers are used in this procedure to heal the skin and might or might not break the skin layers, depending on the type of laser treatment you want to undergo. The laser treatments that break your skin layer are known as Ablative Lasers, which burns the top layer of skin and let the inner layer heal. This causes your skin to look younger. Another benefit of this laser treatment is the reduction of spots due to absorption by the laser light, and it also removes facial hair, which is an added bonus. While some people are concerned about getting the entire outer layer of their skin removed, dermatologists suggest removing just a fraction of their skin and then pushing the laser beams in the deeper layers, hence gaining results.
The other type, Non-Ablative Lasers do not remove the outer layer of the skin, but instead warms up the deeper layer, resulting in the production of more collagen and new skin cell regrowth. This reduces fine lines and wrinkles, making your skin tighter and look youthful. Laser treatment for skin rejuvenation will take multiple sittings and a lot of time to show results, but once it is done, the results are breathtaking, and they last for a long time. Although, there might be a few side effects such as reddening of the skin or visible spots on the face due to the laser. But these will go over time.
While there are a lot of these skin treatments that come in take-home kits, such as chemical peels and microneedling rollers, which allows you to perform them yourself at home, it is not recommended to do them at home frequently. These procedures need a lot of care and supervision, thus, it is always safer to visit your dermatologist to perform them and get your skin checked for the compatibility of the particular skin treatment.