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ESA Letter from Mango Clinic Licensed Physicians

Emotional Support Animal Letter For Flying
Just like many other individuals, people who suffer from mental or emotional disabilities would like to travel. Unfortunately for some individuals, traveling can exacerbate certain conditions. Individuals who suffer from anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are just a few that may not be able to travel unless they are accompanied by their ESA. The DOT has instituted specific rules for air travel. Under the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), individuals who qualify may be able to travel with their support animals in the cabin with them and for free. The rules for air travel are somewhat more stringent than those for housing. For example, unusual animals such as snakes, reptiles, rodents, spiders and ferrets, just to name a few, are excluded from traveling in the cabin.
Air carriers are also becoming more and more strict in regard to accepting a passenger’s ESA claim. Recently there have been several reports of abuses which have led carriers to adopt certain requirements. Many airlines have chosen to adopt additional requirements for documentation before allowing emotional support animals on board. They may require submission of your emotional support animal certificate or letter from a qualified healthcare provider along with any veterinary reports they deem necessary. Determination is typically done on a case by case basis, so it is suggested that you give the airline you are intending on traveling with as much notice as possible. You may need additional time to gather any documentation they require. Additionally, it is advised that no less than 48 hours prior to departure, you contact the airline once again to make sure your final arrangements are completed.

You can call Mango Clinic and our medical assistants will be able to answer all questions you may have regarding ESA`s. Our licensed physicians are available to speak with you 7 days a week 10 am to 7 pm. Feel free to call us at (888) 578-6704 or email us for any help.

Unlike individuals traveling by air, the DOT does not allow the same protections for individuals who are traveling by other forms of public transportation when it comes to ESAs. Instead, they are classified as pets and subject to the same rules, pricing and policies as pets would be. This includes mass transit buses, commuter rails, ferries and other means of public transportation. Although it is left up to the local providers to determine how ESA’s are ultimately transported, they may decide to let them travel as they would service animals or ban them entirely.

Another area that is not covered by the ACAA or ADA is the protection for lodging while traveling. Hotels, inns or any other form of transient lodging can legally deny an ESA admission into their establishment, charge a pet fee, limit the type of animal or place additional requirements on the handler. In order to prevent any embarrassing incidents, handlers should seek pet-friendly establishments while traveling.
Employment protections for individuals with Emotional Support Animals
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that employers make “reasonable accommodation” for employees and applicants with disabilities. Although some might think that accommodations are fairly cut and dry, in actuality, it is slightly more complicated. Reasonable accommodations are changes to the policy that is normally not allowed that would not cause undue hardship on the employer while allowing the individual to perform the necessary functions of a job effectively. Emotional and mental disorders could qualify as disabilities that need accommodations for ESAs when animals are normally not allowed in the workplace.
There are certain circumstances where reasonable accommodation would place “undue hardship” upon the employer or facility where disabled individuals work. If an undue hardship exists, employers are urged to work with the employee to determine alternate accommodation. An example of undue hardship would be the cost associated with or the nature of the accommodation or how the accommodation would impact the facility and the employer. Employers also have an expectation that any support animals meet certain criteria. They should be free from offensive odors, housebroken or “potty-trained”, well behaved and not pose a danger to the health or safety of anyone in the workplace.

Emotional Support Animal Florida
While all states must abide by certain rules regarding emotional support animals, some states like Florida have not been as progressive as others concerning emotional support animals. Although the state adheres explicitly to the rules under the ADA, much has not been done to provide support to those ESA handlers. Coincidentally, the state legislature recently made some advancements for the ESA cause by mandating a fine for anyone that lies about the status of either their service or emotional support animal in order to receive special treatment. However, despite the good intentions associated with this law, this hardline stance has the potential to place unfair criticism or scrutiny on individuals who may not be able to immediately provide proof of their disability status and their medical necessity for a support animal. To find out more information regarding Florida Emotional Support Animal please visit and chat with us to find out how to certify your pet as an ESA.
Esa Letter for Housing and Travel.
The ADA, through many guidelines, has paved the way for individuals who have an emotional or mental disability requiring support animals to function independently. Protections have been made for employment, travel, and housing. One area that still needs to be addressed is the public use laws. Currently, the federal government nor the state of Florida have protections so that handlers can take their ESAs with them everywhere they go. Thankfully, there are many facilities and business owners who understand the trials those individuals go through and have personally made accommodations to support them. Until the public use issue is addressed, we encourage those living with emotional support animals to seek out those support-animal friendly establishments.

For those who are in the United States and considering obtaining an emotional support animal letter for themselves, contact your mental health professional at Mango Clinic to see if you qualify.

At Mango Clinic, our doctors are available Monday thru Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm EST to help you with the treatment of your symptoms and obtaining a legitimate ESA letter. We strongly believe that animals can help with a lot of health issues. Feel free to call us at (888) 578-6704 or email us

We will be happy to answer all your questions regarding Emotional Support Animals!

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