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5 Pets that are easy to look after and maintain

A pet can be a lovely addition to the family. They are usually always popular with children and can bring lots of love and affection to a household. Some pets can be harder to look after than others. Many require regular attention and exercise. When deciding which pet is right for your family, you must get it right. The last thing you want to do is get a pet then realize you can’t give it the care and attention it needs. To narrow your search, here is a list of some pets that are easy to look after and maintain.



Fish are low maintenance pets. Whilst you need to make sure they are fed regularly and their aquarium kept clean, they are pretty easy to look after. They don’t need to be groomed or walked, they only require the basics. Some fish aren’t compatible with each other and some prefer not to be alone. It’s a good idea to speak to a specialist who can advise you on which fish might be the most suitable for you. There are also a host of aquariums available so it’s a good idea to do some research before buying. Fish aren’t particularly expensive and can be a very beautiful and welcomed addition to a household.



A turtle can live for decades. They can also be quite affectionate. They require little maintenance and little attention making them easy to look after.



Hamsters have always been a big hit with families. They are inexpensive, very cute and make great pets. They do require food and water every day but compared to other pets are fairly low maintenance. You will need an adequately sized cage and some toys for them to play with. Hamsters need regular exercise so a hamster wheel is a great idea. For interaction with the family, a hamster ball is great too. Pop your hamster in and it can run around the living room floor without the concern for it getting lost or running away!

Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are a great pet particularly if you have children. They can be kept outside in the warmer months although if it’s particularly cold in winter it's best to have them kept indoors. They need the basics of food, drink, and shelter but apart from that they don't take much looking after. Like most pets, their cage will need to be cleaned regularly.



Cats are pretty easy-going animals. They are very loving and affectionate. On the flip side, they can disappear for hours though they will usually always come back home. Whilst they need fed and watered daily and their cat litter maintained, they require little attention. A cat doesn't need to be walked three times a day like a dog would. Any exercise it does need, it's happy to get alone. This makes them a fairly good choice if looking for a low maintenance pet.

Whatever you decide, a pet can bring much joy and love to a family.

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