It is human nature to seek and feel attracted to someone that would choose no one but them, over and above everything, regardless of what circumstances are. It is one big reason alone that humans are known to have a deep-rooted love for dogs. Moreover, we rarely see anyone not having a liking for something as cute as a dog. The love affair between humans and dogs dates back to a thousand years. Well, the cutesy, round eyes are enough to make you fall in love!
A dog stands synonymous with loyalty, and hence, it is the reason that we, being human, tend to adore them the most. There are a sense and a level of reciprocation that is truly unmatchable in addition to being an invincible one. Once established, it remains for life. Perhaps, for dogs, it is how they are, but for humans, it is something they crave and hold onto it tightly when given.
If you shower a dog with all of your affection and care, they will triple fold it in return. Another thing which makes these four-legged furballs so lovable is that you can crack a relationship so unconditional that it is not something you could do with another human. This unique difference from humans is what makes this bond unique and beautiful. The feeling of being loved, wanted, and cared for is what humans live for, and a relationship with a dog means getting each in abundance.
The degree of exchange is different than the human counterparts making them the most treasured creature in this modern and somewhat chaotic life.
However, what is that driving factor which only increases this love with each passing day?
Well, the answer lies in Mark Twain’s famous quote, “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will never bite you, it is the principal difference between a dog and a man.”
It brings us again to the point of love and undivided attention, which most people fail to achieve. An array of factors contribute to this, out of one which can be the traditional institutions like schools and churches which thrive on the concept of reinforcements and punishments. Hence, the “give and take” takes over the notion of unconditionality. Furthermore, in times now where blood is not thicker than water anymore, a friend is never there in need, the friendly dog teaches what love in its most real sense, should appear like in addition to its offering of unparalleled loyalty.
On the other hand, since we tend to literally and figuratively infantilize these creatures, they evoke emotions into us, which makes us feel responsible towards them in conjunction with us wanting to be with them. In addition to this, because they are somewhat dependent upon us, it is natural for the protective and nurturing streak in us to be triggered as does with our children. Considering human nature, it is something that gives us a sense of fulfillment as well as a rewarding feeling.
Moreover, the concept of validation is an essential aspect as far as human psychology is concerned. It may sound repetitive, but it lies in a human’s nature to derive psychological comfort and satisfaction by seeking validation from others. We sort of both survive and thrive onto it! It matters to humans when they are perceived positively. On top of that, the satisfaction is unreal when we are acknowledged the same way as we want the other one to recognize ourselves or how we see ourselves. To our dismay, a human relationship, regardless of how deep it may be, comes with a price in terms of conditions. A social relation is about too many demands and complaints. With a possible exception to a paternal love, every relationship is prone to vary where love or loyalty may even disappear. Whereas, the love our pets, particularly dogs, shower upon us is wholesome and not at all subjected to any condition. When we talk about human relationships, it is sometimes ambiguous, where the other person loses respect for another individual simply because they aspire to be themselves. However, with a pet like a dog, the bond is the purest of all, and it continues to tag along, not caring about the flaws because of which other people abandon or drive away.
Dogs fulfill our need for validation by being perpetually dependent on us, and love is less or not susceptible to getting lost, unlike human relationships.

There are no expectations from their end. Similarly, there are no disappointments, whereas both of them seem to govern a human relationship, which at the end of the day leads to disputes and conflicts so severe that they become impossible to repair. It is devoid of any complications which happen to be part and parcel of forming a relationship with a human. A dog loves you for being you and not because you are benefiting them in any way. The mutual respect and love is enough to keep them going and feel wanted; something, substantially enough for a human as well.
There is nothing comparable to not being prejudiced or judged upon, and this is something a dog hands to the humans on a plate. They can make a human feel the most critical person in this world and does not exploit or manipulate feelings. A dog is selfless and super-expressive, and humans love that.
To sum it, it could be that both humans and dogs relate with each other because they, perhaps, seek the same things from their lives. Just like humans, dogs are hungry for affection and always on the lookout of someone to share their part of the joy. When we humans give them the love and friendship they are in search of; loyalty is their way of giving us back. It is why, in no time, the relationship transforms from that of a mere owner-pet to feeling like a family to each other.