Whether warranted or not, personal information like that can get in the way of friendships, relationships and even jobs. It is especially troubling when in these situations it is discovered that the ‘cheater’ in question was actually a victim of an attack on character. As a result their marriage may suffer, relationships with friends and children and as with more serious accusations of a sexual nature, loss of job and livelihood.
For example, websites like CheaterLand.com have become an increasingly popular place for people to expose cheaters and otherwise undesirable romantic partners. The problem with such platforms simply allow any user to create a post outing someone for lying or cheating. While these sites cover themselves with disclaimers that user content is not their content, someone using libelous information in an attempt to defame another will quickly be accepted as accurate along with the rest of the sites content.
When it becomes serious, these companies hide behind their disclaimers regardless of outcomes. Recent database hacks such as the Ashley Madison leak have led to mental health problems and even suicide. Families are similarly torn apart as a result of libelous statements as well, leading to depression and in severe cases suicide. Many men involved in the Ashley Madison leak claimed they never even connected with others through the service but were exposed anyway, left to deal with the fallout to their personal lives. The site did not require email verification and charged a fee for removal of your info, which was shown to be untrue through the hack. So whether the accused cheated or not, there are grouped together and the outcome is usually negative for the accused, lasting well beyond findings of innocence in a court of law.
A scan of your accounts and a search of your name could help guide you in tracking down content a person wants removed, but it can be a cumbersome and oftentimes very complicated endeavour. An online reputation manager could help through various strategies including search engine optimization and even legal means.