Many businesses fail when it comes to getting off the ground. Speed is your friend when it comes to building a business.
You can get your fashion line out there faster with a marketing plan that includes several factors. Here are 3 tips that will be of value when you want to get your clothing line on the market faster and be one that is praised and worn by fashionistas.
1. Get Serious About Using Social Media
Are you taking advantage of
social media platforms? Social media marketing can promote your brand, engage customers, answer questions, bring customers to your website, and ultimately increase your sales. Here’s a few sites you can utilize for your fashion news:
A better customer experience can be built through social media as well. Many of your customers may be on one of these platforms many times throughout the day. A visual-oriented platform, such as Facebook or Instagram, can allow you to present your products in a compelling way, with pictures that have been carefully curated.
On Instagram, for example, you will want to use the right hashtags to bring your fashion line to a larger audience. There are plenty of companies out there that can help you with social media marketing if you find it too daunting.
Live streaming and videos on YouTube are also a good way to get your story out there.
Speaking of social media and Instagram, have you thought of influencer marketing?
2. Get Eyes on Your Product With Influencer Marketing
Just what is an influencer? This is a person who already has a large number of followers on various social media platforms; especially Instagram. They are usually a unique personality and have the ability to influence opinions as well as purchasing behavior through their recommendations. Examples of
influencers include Iris Apfel, Susie Lau, and Billy Porter as well as many others.
3. Use Retail PLM Software
Tracking the lifecycle of products can be a time-consuming feat. Product Lifecycle Management software, known as PLM software, can manage the entire product lifecycle from planning assortments to creating and sourcing products. It can also continue tracking as the consumer buys the product.
Apparel and accessories are just some of the consumer goods that can be tracked. You’ll want to know that you can get products to market more quickly, cutting out inefficiency while tracking each SKU.
What are some other benefits of retail PLM?
Increase of product introduction success
Boost product innovation
Launch more SKUs
Get closer to consumers
Lower COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) and improve product margins
Streamline private/white label and supplier co-created development
Maximize product assortment value
Whether using an internal design team or co-creating with a trusted supplier,
retail PLM is a valuable tool in product development. As designers work in Adobe, they can push designs to PLM for developers and merchandising teams for the building of assortments.
Product Lifecycle Management can make your fashion organization more successful with the offering of a new fully visual and digital experience for collaboration and decision-making.
These three tips can help make your fashion line more successful with faster, more widespread marketing. Get your retail fashion business moving.
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