Infertility is a deeply personal issue that most people don’t feel comfortable discussing in fear of being shamed or judged. Below you will find some of the myths surrounding infertility in hopes that this subject can be discussed openly and honestly.
Is a Rarity The biggest, most pervasive myth out there regarding infertility is that infertility is a rare condition that only a few suffer from. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Women of all ages, backgrounds, and health can be affected by infertility. It’s been reported that nearly 1 in 5 women in the United States have some issue in regard to infertility, whether that is conceiving or carrying a baby to term.
Age Doesn’t Affect Infertility
In fact, age does affect infertility. Women will see a decrease in their fertility around 35 years of age. A defect (abnormal chromosomes) in women’s eggs becomes more prevalent with age. That’s why older women have difficulty becoming and staying pregnant.
Sex and Infertility
Regarding sex, it doesn’t matter much how you do it. It’s a complete myth that women can only become pregnant using one sexual position.
Women Who Have Children Can’t Be Infertile
Just because you have a child already doesn’t mean infertility won’t affect you. Many women find it more difficult to conceive after a child, and up to 30 percent of women will have this difficulty after the birth of their first child.
Stress Causes Infertility
While, yes, the pressure is not high for your or your body, it doesn’t directly lead to infertility. If you can’t conceive, your stress and anxiety could increase, which might make it harder for you to grasp in the first place. But infertility is a medical condition, and pressure can be a side effect of infertility.
Birth Control and Infertility
Once you come off of birth control, it will take time for your cycle to return to normal. But being on the pill doesn’t have any effect on whether or not you can conceive. Studies have even shown that 80 percent of women who want to conceive become pregnant within a year after taking the pill.
Infertility Is a Female Issue Only
Another myth that is not rooted in fact is that infertility is a women’s issue only. Men experience infertility just as commonly as women do. Some studies have shown that one in ten men suffer from infertility. The one difference between men and women is that men often don’t seek treatment or help for their infertility. You can undergo many types of fertility treatments, including Clomid monitoring UK; Clomid is a medication to induce ovulation in women.
Infertility and Adoption
Also, no, adoption will not help your infertility. Some people take coincidences too seriously, and that’s the case here. Although some couples have become pregnant after deciding to adopt instead, there is no scientific reason for that happening. And in fact, studies show that couples who adopt have the same chance of conceiving as those who don’t.
Infertility Treatments Are Expensive
Last, many people believe that when it comes to infertility, they won’t be able to afford treatments. But many clinics and doctors start with less expensive treatments with proven results.