Did you know that periodontal diseases, diabetes, and heart disease are linked? Periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory disease caused by dental plaque, affects the bone surrounding teeth and periodontal ligaments. This condition has been linked to several health conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. For instance, people with diabetes are more likely to suffer from periodontitis than those without the condition.
Most people in the UAE suffer from dental problems caused by dental caries. When you visit your dental clinic in Dubai, the specialist will advise you to care for your oral health by brushing and flossing your teeth. Junk and sugary foods also cause dental problems.
How Periodontal Diseases Progress
The rate at which periodontal diseases progress varies in different individuals, and it is determined by the strength of the attack. This is also determined by the bacterial plaque and your immune system. The balance between your body’s immunoinflammatory response and the bacterial plaque is significant to your periodontal health.
Research shows that your responses are influenced by genetic factors and specific environmental factors that determine the risk of periodontal diseases. In such a case, it is common for chronic periodontal diseases to attack you. Since these diseases are linked to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, taking care of your general health is necessary.
The best way to avoid periodontal diseases is to focus on oral health, for instance, brushing your teeth. Develop a routine of brushing your teeth twice daily, and remember to visit your dental clinic in Dubai regularly. Use a brush with soft bristles and brush gently to avoid damaging the teeth and gums. Remember to floss and use mouth rinses when necessary. If you have plaque, visit your dentist for professional help.
Periodontal Diseases, Diabetes, and Heart Health
Periodontal diseases are linked to diabetes and cardiovascular health because they involve a concentration of bacteria that activates an immune response. Below are ways this condition relates to diabetes and heart health. The 2 most common periodontal diseases are gingivitis and periodontitis.
Periodontal diseases such as gingivitis are common in both children and adults. Gingivitis appears in the early stages of gum disease caused by poor plaque removal from teeth. This condition starts to develop as the gums get irritated by the bacteria in the plaque. This happens when you brush your teeth or eat. Your gums become red and swollen, which is accompanied by bad breath (halitosis). Gingivitis can be chronic or acute.
Acute gingivitis is linked to specific infections, trauma, or micro-organisms. Chronic inflammation of the gums is linked to plaque. Diabetes reduces your body’s immune system to fight bacteria and infections. This, coupled with bad oral practices like neglecting to floss and brush teeth, causes plaque buildup. If this remains on your teeth, the gums become irritated and start bleeding.
When you visit your dental clinic in Dubai, the specialist will inform you that gingivitis increases the burden of inflammation on your body. People with gingivitis have higher chances of developing heart diseases, such as stroke, heart attack, and other severe cardiovascular conditions.
Periodontitis is a periodontal disease that attacks bone and the surrounding tissue. This condition is characterized by spaces between the teeth and gums. If you notice any pain or inflammation on your gums, visit your dental clinic in Dubai. When periodontitis is untreated, it progresses to cause destruction, such as tooth loss. Progression depends on genes and poor oral hygiene. A reason to visit your dentist regularly is that periodontitis is silent; you won’t feel any pain as the disease progresses.
Patients with diabetes are susceptible to periodontitis, which increases blood sugar and other diabetic complications. The relationship between diabetes and periodontitis goes both ways because this disease makes it difficult for people with diabetes to control their blood sugar. Diabetes is a primary risk factor for people with periodontitis. The likelihood of getting periodontitis increases 3 times for patients with diabetes.
Periodontitis can increase the risk of heart diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, and cardiovascular death. Because of its inflammatory nature, periodontitis is linked to cardiovascular conditions. Just as this condition causes inflammation of the gums, heart diseases cause the inflammation of arteries. This shows that there is a relationship between periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases. Gum diseases are more common in people who have had attacks and other cardiovascular diseases than in healthy people.
Most people ignore their dental health and assume that the pain or irritation will subside; however, they are unaware that oral health is essential. By taking care of your teeth, you can prevent chronic conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. People with periodontal diseases are at risk of getting diabetes and heart disease.