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8 Ways You Are Damaging Your Hairs, and You Don't Even Know!

Damaging Your Hairs

Awesome hair is not just the only important thing, but having healthy hair is what matter the most. Whether you have Rapunzel-like hairs or a short pixie crop length, healthy, voluminous, shiny and strong tresses is what everybody wants.

While avoiding the heat, hair styling, and using hair masks once a week promotes healthy hair, there are certainly other things we are doing wrong and are damaging our hairs. This is the reason you should be conscious of the things you are doing without even realizing it. From washing to brushing, here are the most common mistakes to avoid when it comes to hair care:

1. Washing Frequently:

Washing hair in every 2 to 3 days is normal; going more frequently than this can strip off the excess oil, which keeps them shiny. Also, after washing will make your hair dull and dry.

However, if you still need to wash your hair daily, try rinsing them with water only and conditioning the ends only. You can also use dry shampoos, that even come with shades for every hair type.

2. Brushing Wet Hair:

Hairs are weakest when they are wet and brushing at that time is a big No! Also, brushing before going into a shower will untangle knots and break less hair. In fact, hair salons use a wide-tooth comb and avoid bruising wet hairs. Doing this will prevent the ends from breaking.

3. Tying Ponytails Too Tight:

Of course, tying hairs on a busy day will prevent them from falling all around, pulling them in a tight ponytail will increase pressure on hair follicles and can lead to traction alopecia. If repeated over, it can also lead to permanent hair loss. So, avoid scraping hairs too tightly as it will affect your hairline.

4. Not Brushing Regularly:

We are not asking you to give 100 strokes every day, but brushing a bit more will stimulate the scalp and also encourage the growth of healthy hairs. Also, gently brushing make hair lustrous by flattening the cuticles, it cleans the scalp and removes dead skin cells from the scalp.

5. Detangling In A Hurry:

Try to be gentle on hairs and handle knots patiently. Apply conditioner on fingers to loosen-up the strands. Doing this will minimize tear and rip-up strands that might lead to a haircut. Let the product sit for a few minutes and then gently comb your hairs using a wide-tooth comb.

6. Towel-Drying Harshly:

You would have seen models wrapping the white towel wrapped around the freshly shampooed hairs, but that's completely wrong! It's not the correct way to dry your hairs, as towels create friction against strands.

Also, doing this will scrub out the leave-in conditioner and can damage hair strands. Use an old cotton T-shirt or a microfiber cloth to dry out hairs.

7. Conditioning Scalp:

The conditioner should be only for ends, as they are hydrating and protect hair. However, if your scalp is covered with conditioner, you are likely to feel tacky and oily. Further, conditioner form a protective coating on the hair's cuticle, giving a sleek and shine to hairs. So, apply the product to the ends which look dead and more damaged.

8. Your Hairs Are More Exposed To The Sun:

Who doesn't love spending a day at the beach or in the pool, but if you have colored hair you can make your hair break or fall. The chlorinated water from oceans can harden your hairs, thereby creating a thick film on it.

Also, the water of the pool has various chemicals which can damage your hairs. However, giving your hairs a good oil massage before jumping into water will protect your hairs from damage.

So, now that you know what you need to stop doing to make your hair healthy, do them and get shiny, luscious locks.

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