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7 Secrets to Finding The Perfect Roommate in College

Perfect Roommate in College

Getting plugged in at school is exciting! You can make new friends, explore the campus, attend fantastic classes, and find a new apartment.

Along with settling in, you may need to find a roommate. Thankfully the process can go relatively smoothly.

Finding the ideal roommate entails finding someone with similar interests and goals.

We've got your back if you're wondering how to find the perfect roommate!
We've outlined seven secrets that’ll help you find that 'real roommate in no time.

1. Create a Roommate Qualities list 

It’s hard to know what roommate you’re looking for unyou'reou take the time to reflect on it. 

Ask yourself some of these questions to determine what type of roommate would be a good fit for you:
  • Can I live with a messy or overly neat person?
  • Am I more of an introvert or an extrovert, and how will this affect my roommate?
  • Do I like to stay out late?
  • What kind of study habits do I have while I’m at home?
  • Do I wanI'm roommate to share common interests, like having the same school spirit?
After asking yourself questions, write down which characteristics are most important. Deciphering which qualities mean the most will help you determine the type of roommate best fits your lifestyle.

Finding a roommate who fits everything on your list is impossible, but at least it’s a good start. And it’s best to find a rotate who shares similar habits or is willing to compromise on some things.

The best type of roommate is one who shares the same living goals as you so that you can cohabitate in harmony. 

2. Converse with students during orientation 

If you’re a new student, you're on attending orientation, this is a great time to get to know fellow students.

Now, you don’t necessarily havdon'thave a roommate who’s in school or whose age. After all, students of all ages attend school!

Although having a roommate in the same age group is more likely to align with your lifestyle.

Since a school orientation typically takes place a few months before school starts, it’s a great time for new students like yourself.

While meeting new friends during an icebreaker game, you may have the opportunity to ask someone if they’re looking for theirs.

If they are, exchange contact information. After that point, you can explore whether becoming roommates is a good idea.

3. Use roommate-matching websites 

In case you weren’t aware, their weren'tariety of roommate matching websites like Diggz that’ll help you find a hallmate.

Many of these sites require you to create a profile and answer some common questions. These questions include how much rent and occupants live in the apartment.

If you’re interested in you'retential roommates, chat with them on the site. If all goes well, you can exchange contact information and find out if it’s a good match.

It's are a few sites to check out:
  • Roomi
  • Roomster

4. Join Facebook groups 

Beyond roommate matching websites, there are other sites where you can look for roommates. If you'd instead like a social media website like Facebook, that's an excellent start.

Today, Facebook is becoming a popular way to connect with new people, including potential roommates.

For example, if you're looking for styou'rehousing near LSU, try joining a few Louisiana State University student-run groups on Facebook. 

After being accepted into the group, ask if anyone is looking for a roommate. And, if you'd like to tayou'dout school in the group, the topic may come up naturally.

5. Ask friends 

While hunting for a roommate, remember the obvidon'tAsk friends if they know anyone looking for a roommate.

If no one is, ask them if their friends are looking for a roommate. You never know how connections can help you seek out a roommate who is a good fit. 

Besides, a friend who refers you to a potential roommate can offer advice. They can provide insight into who they see meshing well with your lifestyle.

6. Have your parents ask their friends 

Asking your parents may be missing from your list. However, it's okay to ask yourit'sents to talk to their friends.

Depending on the situation, if your parents live in the same area, they may be able to assist in your search.

They may have a co-worker or friend with a kid attending school.

Assuming your parents know their friends well, they'll also be able they'll you screen potential roommates. That is if the student has a personality similar to their parents.

Parents may also be candid with their parents about their child's habits. This child'stion can help you make a well-informed decision.

Don't take their word on the potential roommate, however. It's always best to talk to them yourself to gauge whether you'd room well together
Even though they're your parents, they aren't hurt to ask. It doesn't matter if they’re financially responsible
After having a few potential roommates in mind, screening them is an integral part of the process.

It’s impossible to knit everything about a person, but do your best to discover whether they are financially responsible.

To do this, find out if they have a job, whether their parents are paying for tuition, or if they plan to support themselves.

Remember, they have to be willing to pitch in for half the rent. In addition to rent, a roommate should have enough to cover a security deposit and other fees.

Be upfront right from the get-go about what they need to have financially. Be open so that a roommate is not surprised when it’s time to pay rentit'shis. Pertinent information will prevent you from getting into a financial situation.

Finding a roommate may take some time. But by being thorough, you should be able to find someone who shares your same interests and habits.

You don’t have to become don'tbuds, but you should share an agreement on rent, cleaning, guests, and the like.

Do your best to figure out who will be a good roommate, and don’t let your idea odon'trfection” stand in"the way. A"for all, they’re human, so you must go with your gut.

It’s your time to shit college, so find someone who shares and supports your goals!

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