After having a few potential roommates in mind, screening them is an integral part of the process.
It’s impossible to knit everything about a person, but do your best to discover whether they are financially responsible.
To do this, find out if they have a job, whether their parents are paying for tuition, or if they plan to support themselves.
Remember, they have to be willing to pitch in for half the rent. In addition to rent, a roommate should have enough to cover a security deposit and other fees.
Be upfront right from the get-go about what they need to have financially. Be open so that a roommate is not surprised when it’s time to pay rentit'shis. Pertinent information will prevent you from getting into a financial situation.
Finding a roommate may take some time. But by being thorough, you should be able to find someone who shares your same interests and habits.
You don’t have to become don'tbuds, but you should share an agreement on rent, cleaning, guests, and the like.
Do your best to figure out who will be a good roommate, and don’t let your idea odon'trfection” stand in"the way. A"for all, they’re human, so you must go with your gut.
It’s your time to shit college, so find someone who shares and supports your goals!