Migraine has become a common neurological problem nowadays. You might think that having a throbbing headache is migraine; however, it is just a part of this chronic disorder. Fatigue, dizziness, temporary blindness, etc., are other symptoms. Besides this, the symptoms and causes may vary from person to person. Many other surprising facts help you to understand the condition better. Moreover, you’ll become more supportive of those struggling with this disease. Let’s get started-
Migraine Triggers Vary From Person To Person
The things that trigger a migraine episode vary from person to person. Some of the things that may bring on a migraine attack are:
Excessive sound
Bright lights
Weather changes
Cigarette smoke
Skipping a meal
Many people claim that food triggers a migraine. But, there is no scientific evidence to support this. The primary culprits are red wine, chocolate, caffeine, and MSG. But you need to be aware that food cravings can precede migraine episodes. The craving might indicate that a migraine is already on its way. However, if you have food sensitivities, it is better to avoid eating them.
Kids May Also Get Migraines
Not only for adults, but migraine is also a problem for children. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, 10% of American children suffer from migraine. Further, the National Headache Foundation states that migraine pain may last for hours and occur more frequently in female children. They may feel intense pain, sickness, yawning, distorted vision, and sensitivity to light and sound. Nausea and abdominal pain make the headache even worse for them.
Migraines Are Linked To Depression
Many of the people having migraines also have depression. Further, migraine sufferers are at higher risk of getting bipolar disorder, anxiety, and panic disorder. Though painful symptoms can also cause depression and anxiety, mental illness is more than just an effect of living with migraines. Also, the brain chemical ‘serotonin’ is involved in migraine, as well as depression. This is the reason Botox is used for treating both mental issues and chronic headaches. It is considered an effective non-surgical method to treat migraine symptoms. If Botox injections fail to give the desired results, the patient might be eligible for migraine surgery.
Women Get More Migraines Than Men
Migraine Research Foundation found that among more than 39 million migraine sufferers in America, 28 million are women. This data depicts how this chronic condition is affecting the health of women. Boys are affected more than girls before puberty. But, during adolescence, the risk and severity of migraines rise in girls. Further, due to the fluctuation in hormonal levels, it is common for women to have migraines during menopause, pregnancy, and monthly cycles.
Heredity May Contribute To Migraines
Genetics may also be a cause of migraine. If one parent has a migraine, the child has a 50% chance of developing a migraine. If both parents are migraine patients, the chances shoot up to 75%. Around 80 to 90% of the people suffering from migraines have family members who also go through the same condition.
Natural Remedies Can Alleviate Migraine Symptoms
Restlessness, sweating, throbbing pain, etc., are some symptoms of migraines. Besides over-the-counter pills and other medications, natural remedies can also help reduce these signs. Some of the easy tips are:
These are some of the facts surrounding migraines that may help you address the disorder and treat it. For more info, visit the Facts collection website. While symptoms of this disorder may disrupt your daily activities, you can lessen the impact by living a stress-free life.