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12 Ways to Lower Air Conditioning Costs

Air conditioning units are a must-have in a Tucson home. With temperatures reaching as high as 110 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer, air conditioners provide needed comfort and respite from the heat.

But comfort comes with a price. On average, households in Tucson spend $ 400 per year on air conditioning. It is almost double the national average. Tucson is among the three cities in Arizona that have experienced an exponential increase in the amount of cooling required.

There are ways to manage the cost. There are air conditioning Tucson providers that can help inspect and assess problems in the unit before they cause higher consumption. Here are some ways to manage air conditioning costs:

  1. Set the thermostat to 78 degrees during the summer. The US Department of Energy recommends this temperature to keep cooling costs at a minimum. Some personal preferences may vary, but remember to set it at the highest comfortable temperature.
  2. When you are away from home, turn your thermostat 10 to 15 percent for eight hours daily. According to the DOE, you could cut costs by about 10 percent, although results may vary for every home.
  3. To prevent cold air from escaping, ensure all windows and doors are tightly sealed and apply weather stripping and caulking.
  4. When running the air conditioner, ensure all doors and windows are closed.
  5. Ask your Blast Auxiliary air conditioning provider to install a programmable thermostat. It will allow you to manage your air conditioner’s temperature automatically, even if you are away from home.
  6. Make sure that you change your filter every month. A clean filter will allow your unit to function correctly, thus reducing costs. The best time to remind yourself about changing the filter is when your monthly electric bill arrives.
  7. Keep your air conditioner’s outdoor component under a shade. You may plant trees or shrubs to cool the house naturally. Just make sure that there will still be space for air to circulate.
  8. Insulate your attics, crawl spaces, and walls. These parts may leak air as well. It will entail some investment, but insulating your home professionally will increase energy efficiency.
  9. Blocking sunlight can reduce the heat that can permeate inside your home. Low-cost options include blackout curtains or shades.
  10. Take the burden off your cooling systems by using ceiling fans. These fans circulate fresh air, thus increasing energy efficiency.
  11. Hire a professional air conditioning technician to maintain your air conditioning system. They will clean your outdoor coils and check voltage connections. They will also do the crucial task of ensuring the refrigerant is at its correct levels. 
  12. Summers are great for outdoor cooking, and grilling outside a few times a week can help reduce the heat that stains your cooling system. 
Air conditioning is essential in areas where it gets scorching hot, just like in Tucson. Costs are getting high as the need for cooling increases. These tips on energy efficiency can reduce expenses and provide energy-efficient ways to cool down.

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