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10 Things To Consider When You Are Replacing Your Flat Roof

Replacing Your Flat Roof

Is the roof above you is showing the signs of disrepair? Is it leaking or it is just getting old day by day? Do you have a flat roof that you need to replace immediately? If you have a yes as an answer to all these questions, this article is for you.

Flat roofs are more prone to damage. Because of its surface, there are more chances of water stagnation which ultimately leads to roof leaks and roof damage. When you start witnessing the signs of disrepair in your flat roof, don’t delay the repair process, because if you do that, it would become imperative for you to for a replacement. Finding the best flat roofing services around you should be your first task when you are planning to replace it. Here is a detailed list of 8 other things that you need to consider before the replacement of the roof.

1. Make It Properly Sloped

When it comes to flat roofing, the slope of the roof is highly important. When the slop is poor, it causes water stagnation and this ponding water is the biggest reason behind its disrepair. Also, when the slope is not properly constructed, water leaks are much more severe because water gets stagnated and it has nowhere else to go. 

2. Installed Proper Drainage System

If you are planning to replace your commercial roof, make sure that the drainage system that you are going to install there, perfectly matches the size of the roof so that the water always flows through the right way. A perfectly installed drainage system prevents your building from the disastrous effects of water accumulation. When the drain is installed properly in your flat roof, the water is always routed in the right way after rain or roof wash.

3. Consider About Insulation

This is another important factor to consider when you are replacing your flat roof. You must have a good what type of insulation you need. If it is a commercial roof, the insulation needs will be different as compared to the residential one. Insulation is essential because it manages the heat transfer from the roof to the inside of the building. How much a particular insulating material resists heat, can be determined by its R-value. The more is the R-value of that sheet, the better it would be for you. When the roof is properly insulated, it also decreases your energy cost.

4. Compare The Weight Of New Roof With The Old One

This step is crucial for the health of your roof. If you do not consider this, your roof might collapse because of additional structural load. For instance, if the original roof was installed with a lower structural load of 2 PSF, now you cannot suddenly enhance it to 10-12 PSF, because it is highly damaging. It would be better to consult with a specialist and ask him to tell you about the exact weight measurement best for the roof before hiring flat roof installation services.

5. Check For Roof Deck Issues

Roof Deck Issues

When you are considering roof replacement, because of excessive damage, make sure that you actually are the reason for this damage. Inspect everything, especially the roof deck. If it has some structural problems, then it is the major reason of water puddling and it would be critical for you treat the deck issues first. If you choose to install a new roof without catering the structural deficiencies of your roof deck, chances are that newly replaced flat roof will also have the same problems.

6. Improve Wind uplift

It would be imperative for you to improve the wind uplift system of your roof because when the wind uplift system is properly fastened, it minimizes the chances of roof failure. When the wind passes across your roof, it is essential for the safety of your roof that experiences a positive air pressure. You can fasten the system either mechanically or through a fully adhered membrane system. It has been seen that your roof can tolerate more air pressure if the wind lift system is installed through a mechanically fastened system.

7. Decide Wisely If It Needs To Tear Off

It entirely depends upon the condition of your roof. There are some roofs that you can easily roof over because the damage is not much. However, in other conditions, you have to go for the tear-off option. Now, it’s up to your roofing contractor what decision he takes. If there are extreme structural problems due to water leaks, then tearing off the existing roof and replacing it with the new one is the best option for you. If you roof over, all you have to keep in mind that the new roof you will install over it as good as the original one.

8. Check For Fire Resistance

You need to install a roof that is fire resistant. There is an independent testing agency named with UL that checks for fire resistance for all kinds of roofing products. You need to choose a product that offers high resistance to flame spread.

9. Check If Repair Can Work

Replacing a roof is a difficult decision to make. You have to be very careful because it is going to shake your budget as well. If the issues can be resolved with repairs, then it would be better to go for a roof repair option. On the other hand, if you choose to repair due to limited budget despite knowing the fact that replacement was imperative, you surely are going to invest double with repeated repairs.

10. Choose the Right Roofing Company

Right Roofing Company

Last but not least when you have planned to replace your existing roof, do not make hasty decisions. Take your time to pick up the right roofing company for you. There will tons of companies serving in your area. You can find the best one by checking online reviews about different roofing companies. Make sure that the company you chose is licensed and insured so that you get the best roofing service.

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