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Which One is Better: Botox or Xeomin

Botox or Xeomin

Whereas in the previous years, only Botox was used to give beauty injections, nowadays, the list of such preparations has been expanded. One of the alternative formulations is Xeomin. You will find both products in our catalog. But what are the differences between them? Let us consider this issue.


Botox contains botulinum toxin of type A. It is hemagglutinin. It also includes albumin and sodium chloride as additional components. When you buy Botox, you get it in the form of a powder, which is then used to prepare injections.

Xeomin, in turn, consists of hemagglutinin and A-botulinum toxin. Whereas Botox is made on the basis of protein, which acts as a preservative, Xeomin is made without its inclusion. The point is that the preparation under consideration contains botulinum toxin purified to the highest degree of purification possible. Therefore, it is safe.

Mechanism of Action

All preparations containing botulinum toxin are characterized by the following mechanism of action. After the injection is given into the muscle tissue, the molecule penetrates into the area of the junction of nerve endings and muscle fibers. As a result, the protein element is blocked, leading to acetylcholine release. This substance is directly responsible for the transmission of impulses, providing contraction of muscle cells. As a result, the contraction is interrupted, and temporary paralysis occurs. This phenomenon causes wrinkles to be smoothed out.

Over time, new nerve endings emerge where the preparation was administered. Gradually, this leads to the resumption of the impulse transmission and termination of the effect of the neurotoxin. Therefore, patients who wish to prolong the impact should undergo this procedure again.

Contraindications and Restrictions

Despite the relative safety of both products, it is worth considering the restrictions on their use. It is worth refraining from using them in the following cases:
  • being of minor age;
  • HIV;
  • syphilis;
  • breastfeeding;
  • being in an "interesting condition";
  • infectious pathologies at acute stages;
  • tumor growth;
  • allergic responses;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • menstrual period;
  • diabetes;
  • alcohol or drug addiction.
In case of failure to follow these rules, there is a risk of numerous side effects such as edema, muscle atrophy, loss of motor functions in the face, headaches, and allergic reactions. However, such grave phenomena are typical, mainly for botox. Xeomin, meanwhile, does not cause such problems.

Degree of Effectiveness

Botox molecules are smaller than Xeomin molecules. Therefore, to some extent, this preparation is a leader and lasts twice as long, up to one year. The critical advantage of Botox is that it works at a faster rate, as the effect can be seen after the first application. However, Xeomin is characterized by increased resistance to external factors. Therefore, immediately after the procedure, clients can engage in their usual activities, sunbathe on the beach, and visit the sauna.


One injection of Xeomin costs a little less. But considering that the effect is particularly pronounced, the difference in the price is not significant.
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