Avoid looking at your clock.
Watching as the minutes go by will only make it harder for you to fall asleep. Either turn the clock so it faces away from you or put it somewhere where it is out of sight.
Invest in comfy, warm bedding.
This is basic common sense – when climbing into your bed at night feels excellent, you will always look forward to it. Investing in a good-quality mattress that supports your sleeping style, breathable bed linens, and soft, supportive pillows could mean the difference between drifting off into slumberland when you hit the pillow and tossing and turning throughout the night. If your mattress needs to be replaced, do it as quickly as possible. You could try finding a new one from the Mattress Firm.
If your device has a blue light filter setting, use it. The blue light tablets and smartphones emit can disrupt sleep.
Blue light throws your circadian rhythm off and suppresses the body’s production of melatonin, making it even harder for you to fall and stay asleep. Fortunately, most smartphones today have a feature called “night shift” that adjusts the screen from blue (excellent) to yellow (warm) light - which has little effect on your sleeping patterns. At the same time, there are applications that you can run on your tablet, PC, or laptop that reduce blue light. Popular ones include Twilight and Flux.
Adjust your thermostat.
If you are too cold or hot at bedtime, it will take some time before you fall asleep. While there is no
ideal temperature, most people will comfortably fall asleep when room temperatures are at around 60 to 67 degrees. When we start feeling drowsy, our body temperatures drop; this shift is what helps us fall asleep. Cooler bedroom temperatures will help facilitate this. However, be careful not to cool off the room too much, as shivering in bed is not conducive to enjoying a good night’s sleep.
Wear a pair of socks to bed.
Though cooler core body temperatures will help you fall asleep much faster and enjoy restful sleep, cold feet and hands can negatively affect you. If your feet often become cold as you sleep, consider putting on a pair of warm socks, piling an extra blanket around your feet, or resting your feet on a heating pad. If none of these options appeal to you, try putting on a pair of warm slippers at night to keep your feet warm before you sleep.
At some point, we all have had trouble falling asleep; however, making one or two changes in the bedroom and taking on healthy bedtime habits can help ensure such nights are few and distant. If you are experiencing too many sleepless nights and lifestyle changes are not helping that much, then it might be time to seek a doctor's services for alternative solutions.