Whether you use it to get to your place of employment, run the kids to school, do the weekly shopping, or just generally get around, your car is a vital part of your daily routine. Losing it to theft can have significant implications. There is no doubt that car theft is on the rise. In fact, published statistics indicate that a car is stolen every 5 minutes on average. Car theft incidents have increased by a staggering 50% in just the last five years. Some of this increase in theft may be attributed to the decrease in policing numbers. However, some experts believe that much of the rise can be directly linked to the increase of keyless systems that are around.
This increase in car theft means that more and more drivers are looking for ways to keep their cars safe. And many people are considering trackers as an easy-to-use and relatively cost-effective solution. Many car insurance companies are also encouraging the use of car trackers. They do so by offering customers a discount on their premiums with an insurance-approved tracker fitted to their vehicle. So, while a car tracker may cost for the initial outlay, not only will it offer you some peace of mind, but you could also pay less on your insurance.
Tips for securing your car
There are many ways to help keep your vehicle safe, and one of those is investing in a good quality car tracker. First, this will give you peace of mind where your car is concerned. You will be able to monitor the location of your vehicle, and if it is moved, alert the relevant authorities to help locate it. Car trackers are relatively easy to fit into your vehicle, but if you are not confident, an experienced supplier can assist you.
While a tracker is an excellent way of helping keep your vehicle secure, several other things you can do will make it less of a target to thieves.
Choose the right parking spot. If you have a garage, parking your car in there is an excellent idea as this will offer you more security. But, if you cannot do this, consider where you park your car carefully. If you are parking near your home, park in a well-lit area, as this will deter thieves. If you are out and about, looking for a shady spot to park your car can often be tempting, especially on a sunny day. But, this does mean that your vehicle may be less visible to passers-by, who act as a natural deterrent to the opportunistic car thief.
Don't leave valuables on display in your car. This attracts the attention of opportunistic thieves.
Choose the right tracker.
Car trackers come in a wide range of budgets, so there is something for everyone. They also offer a great selection of features,, frombasic tracking to linking up to your mobile phone or other electronic devices. This allows you to track the location of your vehicle from wherever you are. If you are still determining what you are looking for, discuss your requirements with a company that specializes in car trackers. They will be happy to recommend models suited to your needs and budget.