What are the Positive Effects of Marijuana in the Long Term?
In the last twenty years, consumption for "recreational" purposes has increased significantly. But the long-term effects that cannabis would have on the human body are not yet fully known. But there is a truth that now appears challenging to scratch: the long-term use of marijuana, whose effects are traced back to the active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), present in dry leaves in concentrations ranging from 0.5 and 20%, can affect the structure and function of some brain areas.
Effects on the brain of marijuana:
This is confirmed by a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which photographed for the first time the anomalies in the functionality and the brain structure of the "strong" consumers of marijuana. The monsters would depend on the age of the first use and the duration of use. Some cognitive tests and three different magnetic resonances have found a lower IQ than the control volunteers in chronic marijuana users and a reduced volume of the orbitofrontal cortex, the part involved in the mechanisms of dependence. The two surveys, however, would not be connected. There is no direct link between poor intelligence and reduced brain volume.
Long-term negative effects:
It should be said that when you smoke cannabis, you breathe many other substances simultaneously," says the pharmacologist. The marijuana at Dispensary Tucson is for a cane, and the nicotine is for a cigarette." That said, the main adverse effect is addiction. Although cannabis is considered a mild drug compared to cocaine and heroin, it is still a substance that leads to abuse. Regular use creates a vicious circle that leads to excessive use with consequent toxicity to the body".
But are there hazardous categories? "In-depth studies on adolescents have highlighted the danger of cannabis abuse, especially in the very young, which are very sensitive to the effects on the central nervous system, with damage that in some cases remains even in adulthood. In particular, a correlation between the use of marijuana and the development of psychotic diseases or schizophrenia was also highlighted, even in adulthood, but only for subjects with a certain predisposition. Those predisposed can develop diseases even in adulthood, away from the period of consumption ". The reason, explains Fratta, is that the adolescent's brain has not yet reached complete maturation, and the use of cannabis can change its structure and functions." This does not mean that if you smoke a rod, you become schizophrenic, but that a pre-arranged segment of the population can see these diseases unleashed."
The juvenile abuse of marijuana has enormous world dimensions: from the latest statistics conducted in the United States, 30% of boys of middle school age (11-14 years) start smoking marijuana, without differences between males and females.
What happens instead in the case of the largest?" An adult, who becomes a joint from time to time, does not face a greater risk than a couple of cigarettes or a spirit." Cannabis acts by imitating certain substances that you naturally in the brain, similar to how morphine and heroin mimic endorphins." But one account is an expected physiological impact, and quite another thing is when you hit the same nerve centers disproportionately with an injection of heroin and cannabis abuse. Physiologically, it is like unloading an atomic bomb where shots are usually thrown". Chronic use, on the other hand, can lead to organic and psychic side effects from cannabis intoxication, including, for example, the symptoms of a motivational syndrome or lack of interest and apathy.
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