Every expecting mother wants to deliver a healthy baby. When the baby comes out, we do everything we can to keep the baby healthy and help him grow steadily. But we know the roots must be stronger for the trees to be strongust.
The same goes for a child. If you want your child to be healthy, disease-free, intelligent, and fair (wink), then you must focus on your diet. What you eat or don’t eat during your pregnancy matters a lot because the fetus grows with the help of the nutrients that you eat.
So, focusing on healthy foods and eating right on time is particularly important for an expecting mother.
If you are going to be a first-time mother, you will be getting a lot of suggestions. Hear them, and run them through your doctor before you follow any advice. Everyone has a different body, and what might suit others may not work for you.
Here is the list of foods you must eat during your pregnancy.
Iron-rich food
As an expecting mother, eating iron-rich food is extremely important for a healthy oxygen influx in the body. A pregnant woman must double their intake of iron. Take supplements or green leafy vegetables, lentils, and so on to increase the child's IQ level in the womb.
Omega 3 rich food
Want a healthy baby with high brain functioning? Then, eat foods that are in Omega 3. Include fish, eggs, salmon spikes,nach, and tofu.
Coconut water
Coconut has a kernel, which helps with the complexion and easy delivery of the baby. Also, they are great for combating heat, dehydration, and other illnesses.
People believe almonds can help with the baby’s complexion and brain development in the fetus. So, always eat almonds, whether dried or soaked. You can also consume them in other food items, but eating them raw is the key to a bright and fair baby.
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Vegetables, especially green ones, are rich in iron, and all fruits are packed with different nutrients. Together, they make an integral part of your diet. Remember to eat one or two fruits a day and consume vegetables daily. They have antioxidant properties, which will help them fight free radicals.
Blueberries, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables increase your chances of delivering a fair and healthy baby. Here are other fruits and their benefits:
Avocado: Eat a lot of avocados as they are rich in Vitamin C and folic acid, which is essential for neural tube development. Find out more Vitamin C-rich food items here.
Bananas: Bananas are rich in potassium, which can help you fight fatigue. Keep them handy in your purse.
Ghee or Clarified butter
Ghee is a form of clarified butter that Indians extract from cow milk at home. It is an integral part of every Indian’s home. Also, regular consumption of Ghee can help your labor pain and ensure the delivery is less painful. Also, it helps improve the color of your baby.
Moreover, it is a better option than oil, which can be heavy for an expecting mother.
Sea salt
It is a must ingredient in your diet as it contains iodine and contributes to proper fetal development. It also balances your hormones, so put a good amount of sea salt (not too much) on your dishes.
Saffron milk
The first trimester is tough for most women. The pain and feeling of nausea never go away. Saffron milk can help you fight that pain by boosting your energy and providing strength. It has lots of nutrients and iron, which also improves the baby's complexion. But it is essential for developing the baby’s IQ level.
Carrots are rich in Vitamin A and help with the baby’s eyes, skin, teeth, and bones. You can even keep them in your bag and eat them anywhere, anytime.
Start including these food items in your diet to have a good pregnancy and a healthy baby.
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